Friday, September 16, 2016

Lessons From An Entrepreneur's Point of View: No More Tears

As a teenager, I once stumbled on a big well dressed man crying seriously alone one night as I returned from work. I was mortified. What on earth could make a grown man cry?
Over the years, that sight became more often to me and it isn't one I hope to witness anytime soon again.
Now, why should an entrepreneur cry???

On a bright sunny day, I eagerly dressed for a "big" appointment I had that day. If all things went well, i could walk away from that deal with a minimum of 35- 50M nairas. The odds were 8 against 10 in my favour. Earlier that day, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and prayed and bound all the witches that will like to put sand inside my bowl of sweet soup that's at its final stage. So I had all loopholes covered. I even had a mental note of what I was going to do with the money. As I hurried along to get a cab heading to Banana Island Ikoyi, I greeted my street neighbours, already missing them because I will be moving in a months time or less sef, if only I find that perfect house to lease in Chevy view soon. Infact, I had numbers I was going to call tomorrow. The man said he was the mandate of some properties and the pictures he sent made sense. Noo, I won't call him tomorrow, I'll have to hire a taxi from Uber so everyone at home can go with me afterall, its going to be our house. Hmmm, this one that dollar is going up, I better buy that 2013 Camry fast o, befor i hear stories that touch the heart. Yeeesssss I knew I was forgetting something, my Samsung note 4 should come first oooo. Infact, I'll buy it the same day I get the alert.
I didn't even notice that I was already at my destination. I and my long time colleague smartly dressed walked into our Client's residence exactly one minute early.  The big man was already up, sipping coffee and reading the dailies. He was visibly impressed at our punctuality, (now the odds have moved up to 9 out of 10 in my favour :-D ) God is a good God. He offered us seats and the meeting started. In less than fifteen minutes later, we were in a cab back home and I was very sure my heart wasnt working anymore, because it was broken. In short, this kind of burning pain may not be normal, I was 85% sure that I needed medical help so I dont die from heart attack later that day.I managed not to break down till I got home, locked myself up in my room and cried my heart out. Why are rich people wicked like this?
Even if he didnt like it, why didnt he just pay us consultation fee for all our troubles or just pay the money first, while we work on something else. Chai, when I get rich, i won't be like him.
I was too shy to admit I cried when my big deals flopped till my friends admitted to it one day. Are just babies? Or is there something actually beating us?
 The famous Thomas Edison had 1,000 reasons I heard of to cry, yet he said, I haven't failed, I have only found 1,000 ways that don't work.
The likes of Dale Carnegie, Carl Jung, Joe Sabah, Richard Branson, Lori Greiner and Oprah Winfrey just to mention a few had hundreds of reasons to quit at every turn and step they took, but today they are role models for us.
Tears is the language of a broken heart, not for business moguls who make tough critical decisions at every point and day.
Tears is a sign of defeat. Success isn't for those who are defeated
Tears makes us have low self esteem because by sobbing, we are wallowing in self pity.
Tears does not let us think well to make the necessary decisions that means to be made.
Tears will not let us learn from our mistakes
Tears puts pressure on us to give up which is the perfect poison for success
Tears makes us look weak to an observer
Tears shows helplessness
Tears shows lack of emotional constraint
Tears wastes time we should have spent making plans
Tears doesn't take the problem away, it just magnifies it and thus make us hose faith in ourselves.
A wise woman once said, when you cry, your tears dont change anything, rather, they give you a headache and red eye to accompany you to face the foe who is still waiting for you.
As an entrepreneur, you must understand that things are never as bad as they feel or look like because, everything that has an advantage will have a disadvantage.
So, you must make that decision today.......
NO MORE TEARS!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

There is a "Playing"and a "Paying" to be done

There's A "Paying" And A "Playing" To Be Done
A wise man once said to me, you either pay now and play later, or you play now and pay later. Its your choice but know that all men and women MUST pay and play at some point in life.
Now what are we paying for? and which game are we playing?
Paying stands for the years of sacrifice put in place to groom a business or to groom your source(s) of income while Playing represents the years when you do not do any striving, things just go on auto-cruise you sit back and play with your resources.
The best time to pay is when you are still young, optimistic and strong. When you can spend several days up at night determining a new path for your business. Its at your youth you can afford to struggle irrespective of whether you have eaten or not. You may or may not need a drug to fight off an illness. You are not easily discouraged by setbacks and failures and you have plenty of time to start again. This is when you are to pay all that there is to pay.
The best time to play is when you have successfully paid to set up multiple streams of income, and you can now afford to help family and friends comfortably. You can afford to pursue your dreams, give your children a good start in life and comfortably expand.
However, the case we see today is this:
Graduate from school, get a job, buy a car, buy a house, turn big boy/girl. And as the salary increases, change the house to a more expensive one and buy bigger and or more-expensive cars. Live like this for 20 - 35years and then towards your retirement, set up a very fancy business or pet project and do some nice things for people who you feel you must help (Like a President about to go out of power) and then say to yourself, I have lived a good life. Then sit back and enjoy your pensions and or pay off and face your business squarely and become a boss.......................................................
Until your inexperience in business and quest to maintain a high standard knocks you off your high pedestal. You still hang on to your pretty house and cars but inside, you are just living from hand to mouth. As the economy tightens, you begin to rely n your kids and those you believed owe you as you have helped them. Depends on how life turns out, all you may have to show is stories of how influential and rich you once were.
Statistics show that at age 65, only 1% is actually financially free. while 54% are dependent. This simply means that only 1% of people are actually doing things the right way.
Why be dependent on your family when the bible says that a good man keeps treasures for his children after him. Why are you keeping yourself as a liability? Don't you want to be a Don in your old age who the next generation entrepreneurs will come to for advice? Don't you want to lecture great people from your life experiences? Don't you want to be able to tell your children of some outstanding feat you pulled through when you were their age? Do you want your kids to ask you what you were doing when Aliko Dangote was becoming the richest black man in the world? Or you think Aliko is too old for you to compete with? Watch out, new entrepreneurs will rise from your generation to challenge Aliko's title. It doesn't matter what you think of them now, they are seriously paying now, and they will seriously play in due time. I hope you won't console yourself by telling yourself and everyone around you that those moguls made their money from blood sacrifices or lie to yourself that rich people cannot enter heaven because while you trek to church, someone is riding a G- Wagon of 50M+, while you are giving offering of #200,, someone is giving offering bigger than your 3 months tithe. God will not reject their money. infact, God said he will give them back in good measures and bless their storehouses so they will get richer while you will be getting #200 blessing and by the time God multiplies the zero in your store house by #200 (0 X 200 = 0 in 200 places) hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, you will be #200 poorer. lol

There is a Paying and a Playing to be done. You can turn a bind eye to anyone now, but know that certainly, the other one won't turn a blind eye to you. Some people think that they cannot sacrifice 5years of their lives to start a business but dont feel that giving up 35years of their lives is a greater sacrifice.

Not everyone has it in them to face those tough years of brainstorming, expensive lessons, lack of adequate finances and the likes. But know that those who are resilient enough to pull through, though looked down upon from the begining, will be looked up to at the end.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

For Travel Lovers, Now You Can Pay Small Small

Have you ever requested for a quote for your little family or just yourself to your dream vacation spot and found out that it was a little too pricey?
Have you ever had to change plans for a cheaper option due to the high costs?
Well, that is about to end because you can now pay small small for any travel package. Check out their facebook page at

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How To Fail Forward - For Entrepreneurs

- 'Show me a person who has never made a 
 mistake and I'll show you someone who has   never achieved much - Joan Collins
- Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war - Donald Trump
- It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure - Bill Gates
- Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something - Morihei Ueshiba- I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas A. Edison
- The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable - Coco Chanel
-  A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying - B. F. Skinner

Every true entrepreneur has something good to say about failure, but on the start up or SME level, its a different story. We all bemoan failure and blame the economy, blame our parents who aren't buoyant enough to give us an extra advantage, some of us even go spiritual and blame the witches in our villages who do not want us to move forward.Many people believe the Dangote of Nigeria never suffered half of what they have faced in their lives business-wise, someone even told me that the American policies and Government are the secret behind Mark Zukerburg's success with Facebok, Whatsapp, Instagram and the likes while Bill Gates cannot be the richest without the secret help of the American Gov; This person believes that if these policies are replicated in Nigeria, many of us will become rich in a few years time.Thee are alot of people with this mindset and even worse, these people are quick to blame everyone and everything for their misfortunes and their "bad-luck"There are many more reasons why failure isn't what we always make it out to be. Let us begin to see failure not as a foe but a friend who has come to help us to become as great as Bill Gate.But the law of modelling advises us to follow the exact steps of those who wish to be like to get the same results they did.If the rich and the forbes billionaires all talk of failure as a sign of success, a teacher, a test why do we still feel they are wrong?

However.............The importance of failure in one's business life can never be over emphasized. How you see failure defines you and defines how much you can achieveFailure is a vital part of every successful start up or business tycoon. Failure is the only teacher that teaches unforgettable lessons which are also called experienceFailure changes you and prepares you for the success aheadFailure shakes off the loose feathersFailure differentiates the chaff from the wheatFailure broadens your mind to new options once the one's you hoped on fail,Failure shows us that nothing is really as bad as it is,Failure helps us to know our true friends because they feel there's no hope for you'Failure makes success sweetFailure means you're no longer where you started, you have attempted something, you have gained experienceFailure teaches us how to conquer other failures of that nature,Failure means you are at the lowest position and you can't fail beyond that pointQuitters will never win, Winners will never quit.No matter how many times you fail, you aren't the same with when you just started newly.

How To Groom Your Hair To Any Length You Wish

Because of its strong curl and tendency towards dryness, African American hair can seem to be very difficult to grow to great lengths. However, some changes in your styling routine and hair care can increase the likelihood of you, the Rapunzel locks you always dreamed of.

Firstly, Keep your hair healthy; 
Use the following tips to keeps the hair healthy:

1. Keep your hair moisturized
This is by far the most important tip to growing long, strong, beautiful locks. Because African hair is so curly, oil from your roots takes a much longer time travelling to the ends of your hair. This means you need to spend every time managing the most damaged and dry part of your hair - the ends.
Always use conditioner every time you wash your hair. Look for conditioners which advertise dry, damaged, or brittle hair management. Apply this, and leave in for 2-3 minutes before rinsing out.
Use a deep-conditioner every 1-2 weeks. Leave in for at least 20 minutes and then rinse out.
Make your own deep-conditioner at home. Although it may sound strange, mayonnaise is a wonderful deep-conditioner. Rub it into your locks and leave in for 15 minutes. Rinse with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Repeat this every 1-2 weeks for ultra-soft curls.
Try a leave-in conditioner. This is a special kind of conditioner that can be rubbed into your hair after showering while it is still damp. It does not need to be rinsed out, but will also keep your hair from getting greasy-looking or piece-y. This can be done after every shower or between washes, as you like.

2. Use oil in your hair 
Because it does take such a long time for your hairs’ natural oils to travel to the ends of strands, infuse your hair with oils to supplement those your scalp already creates. AVOID petroleum and mineral oils.
Try using castor oil (or Jamaican black castor oil). This has been used for hundreds of years to increase the softness of your hair and aid in faster growth. Rub some oil between the palms of your hands, and run them through your hair to incorporate it to as much of your hair as you are able.
Lavender oil is not only made from a popular flower, but has shown to improve hair growth up to 44% when rubbed into your locks. Use the oil on wet or dry hair in addition to other natural oils to help expedite your hairs’ growth process.
Moroccan oil is a new type of oil becoming very popular for its intense moisturization and de-tangling abilities. Although it can be pricy ($30 for a single bottle), reviews make it seem worth the cost. If you aren’t willing to pay that price, look for imitation versions for similar results at your local drugstore or beauty supply store.

3. Take vitamins that boost hair growth 
There are many supplements and vitamins available for oral consumption which help your hair to grow speedy-fast. This is optional.
Biotin is considered the best vitamin to take to boost hair growth. It is available in capsule form at many health food stores, or for purchase online. It helps to renew the cells in your hair, allowing them to grow longer, faster.
Vitamin B6 is a great supplement to take to aid in hair growth, as it blocks the testosterone receptors at your hairs’ roots. Too much testosterone released into your follicles makes hair become thin and slows growth. B6 blocks some of this testosterone. 
4. Protect the ends of your hair
The tips of your strands are the most brittle and damaged (as they receive the least amount of natural oils), and are the most prone to breakage. Leaving hair down constantly increases the likelihood of breakage, so put your hair up sometimes to help prevent this.
Keep your hair in a bun using bobby pins to help keep your hair in place. If possible, don’t use a ponytail or rubber band, as these can break your hair when you remove them.
Braid your hair. This helps keep the ends of your hair from being exposed and damaged further. You can choose to do dozens of small braids or a few large ones, but make sure you leave the ends ponytail-less so that they don’t rip out strands when you remove them.

5. Cover your hair whenever possible 
To help your hair soak in the oil and nutrients you have been supplying it with, cover it in a satin or silk scarf or bonnet. Although you can’t do this all the time, wear one during the night to prevent damage from the elements.
Use a satin scarf, as this material does not absorb oil like cotton and other synthetic fabrics do. Sleep on a satin pillowcase so that the oil from your hair doesn’t get sucked out while you sleep

6. Try using a protein treatment
 These are products that add protein to your hair to fill in the parts of your strands that are broken or damage. Although they benefit hair only temporarily, they can help your hair to grow long over time. Ask about it in your favorite salon or look for one in a beauty supply store.
Protein treatment has the biggest positive effect in relaxed or treated hair, but can be used on natural hair as well.
When you are looking for a protein treatment, read the bottle. If a type of protein (animal or plant based) is not listed in the first five ingredients, it probably won’t do much to help your hair.
There is no difference between animal or plant based protein hair treatments.

7. Eat healthy foods 
Certain foods have proven to increase hair growth, and are great for nourishing your scalp and strands. Try to eat more of these foods to get your hair growing strong and long!
Salmon, avocados, and pumpkin seeds are full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids which help you hair follicles to stay healthy.
Spinach, eggs, greek yogurt, and lentils are all great sources of protein which enrich your strands of hair.
Blueberries are a source of vitamin C which is important for for strong hair. Too little vitamin C leads to hair breakage

Culled from:

How To Fail Forward - For Entrepreneurs

- 'Show me a person who has never made a mistake and I'll show you someone who has
   never achieved much - Joan Collins
- Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war - Donald Trump
- It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure - Bill Gates
- Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something - Morihei Ueshiba
- I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas A. Edison
- The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable - Coco Chanel
-  A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying - B. F. Skinner

Every true entrepreneur has something good to say about failure, but on the start up or SME level, its a different story. We all bemoan failure and blame the economy, blame our parents who aren't buoyant enough to give us an extra advantage, some of us even go spiritual and blame the witches in our villages who do not want us to move forward.
Many people believe the Dangote of Nigeria never suffered half of what they have faced in their lives business-wise, someone even told me that the American policies and Government are the secret behind Mark Zukerburg's success with Facebok, Whatsapp, Instagram and the likes while Bill Gates cannot be the richest without the secret help of the American Gov; This person believes that if these policies are replicated in Nigeria, many of us will become rich in a few years time.
Thee are alot of people with this mindset and even worse, these people are quick to blame everyone and everything for their misfortunes and their "bad-luck"
There are many more reasons why failure isn't what we always make it out to be. Let us begin to see failure not as a foe but a friend who has come to help us to become as great as Bill Gate.
But the law of modelling advises us to follow the exact steps of those who wish to be like to get the same results they did.
If the rich and the forbes billionaires all talk of failure as a sign of success, a teacher, a test why do we still feel they are wrong?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

12 Things You Should Never Ask Your Boo

This article is dedicated to my teenage and young readers

Never ask your boo these questions 

1. "Should I get my hair cut?" Yes? No? We like ... your hair? If you're just taking half an inch off or something, we're not even going to notice (unless you already have your hair short ... like half an inch short). This is just putting us in a situation where three things could happen: We say "yes," and you get offended because we don't like your hair as is. We say "no," and you cut it anyway. Or we both happen to agree. None of those situations are constructive and at least one ends in you getting mad at us.

2. "Which dress looks best?" Our answer is always going to be the one that shows off your cleavage the most and then you're going to get mad we chose that one.

3. "Do you want to come to my mom's birthday party?" No. We're going to go because we're obligated, but we'd rather stay home and screw around. Please don't tease us with the illusion of choice. Just tell us what day it is.

4. Literally anything about your weight. Anything. You're good. You look good. And if you're asking, you're not going to believe us anyway. Just don't sweat it.

5. "Did your ex do this better?" As far as we're concerned, our ex is dead to us so it doesn't matter.

6. "Do find Jennifer Lawrence attractive?" Please don't ask this, because the answer is "yes" and you don't want to hear us say "yes" and we're also bad liars. Plus, it doesn't mean we don't like you. It just means we have eyes.

7. "How often do you masturbate?" Literally anytime you aren't looking at us. All right, not literally, but it might as well be. We do it a lot. And we don't really want to talk to you about it because that's weird.

8. "Notice anything different?" The only time you should ask this question is if you literally want your boyfriend to shit his pants for some reason. We probably don't know, unless it's something incredibly obvious like you dyed your hair a (drastically) different color or surgically grafted your iPhone to your face. Please don't make us guess.

9. "Was that the best sex you've ever had?"  Here's the thing: The answer to this is always yes. That's either because it's true or because we're lying. Save both of us the awkwardness of the question and just be content with knowing we're going to tell you "yes."

10. "What are you thinking about?" Something stupid. It's always something stupid and the reason we don't want to tell you is that it would take way too long to explain why we're thinking about what would happen if The Incredible Hulk were drafted to the New York Yankees and they played baseball on the moon and we are also all best friends. It's not because we were thinking of breaking up with you or even about you at all. We were honestly daydreaming about the dumbest thing ever and it isn't worth explaining.

11. "Can we talk?" This is frightening no matter who asks it. If it comes from your partner or your boss or a friend or even if your fucking mailman knocks on your door and asks this question. This is shorthand for "let's talk about serious business" and that's never fun. This is especially evil if you add "later" to the end of the sentence, making us walk around all day in a perpetual pool of cold sweat.

12. "Are you still going to the gym?" Nope, and now we know it's showing.

Culled from.......................

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Travel To Dubai This Summer for 360k or 535k Only

Taking time out this summer to travel out?

Visit Dubai with shikini money and have the time of your life with our VIP package or normal package.
- Dubai 14days visa guaranteed
- Return flight ticket via Etihad or Emirates (VIP)
- Return Airpot Transfers (VIP)
- 10 - 12nights accomodation in a 3*** or 4**** Hotel with Breakfast
- Half day City Tour which can be used for shopping (VIP)
- Desert Safari
- Dhow boat cruise
- Flight Stimulator experience (VIP)
- Hot air ballon Trip across the desert (VIP)
- Ticket to wonderland for 2 kids (VIP)

Send a mail to indicating your interest.........

Does Love Make Us Unconsciously Telepathic???

Many times, we have lain awake into the night thinking about the thief who stole our heart and won't give it back to us or better still, one we love especially if due to one thing or the other, we cannot see them or talk to them.
Many times, we wonder what they are doing. Funny enough, irrespective of our gender, the most common thoughts / questions to occupy our mind are:
- What is he/she doing now?
- Is he/she with someone else?
- Is he/she thinking about me too?
- Does he/she love me as much as I love he/she?

There are usually a million more questions collectively that plagues each one of us.
I was thrilled / shocked to see a report from.......... stating that after series of survey, scientists have confirmed that, whenever we are thinking of someone, more often than not, those people are thinking of us too where ever they are.

Hmmmmm, I started thinking of my then crush every night hoping he was also thinking about me.  Well, few months later, he asked me out and we finally got around to dating. One of those days of Mtn midnight call, he told me that he spent many nights thinking about me before he summoned the courage to ask me out. What Did I Just Hear??? So Its True??? He was also thinking of me all those nights!!!

Ever since then whenever I miss him and shakara won't let me call him or buzz him on social media, I resort to thinking about him and hoping that my newly found telepathic magic will work its magic on him and make sure he misses me too.

Truthfully, on some (not all) of those nights, he called me and told me he was missing me (3 out of 10 times) and I was sooo happy with myself.

I still don't know how this magic works, maybe you can try it too :-) :-)


 A wise man once told me: "If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go with people" This is true on soo many accounts.

A very plain example is the athlete's race. Looking at the 100m dash, we will agree that the records broken by renown athletes are mind boggling with speed as fast as 10meters per second which is approximately 36km/hr on foot!!! On the other hand, marathon races of 42km are run in 2hrs 3mins and are lauded as historical feats.

Comparing these races we can see the following:
- In sprint its every man for himself, while in marathon team members hold one another, encouraging themselves on
- In sprint maximum speed is put in from the start to the end while in marathon, speed is increased and reduced strategically to conserve the energy
- In sprint sharing of resources is impossible as there is no time for that while in marathon, resources such as chewing gum, glucose, water etc are shared among the team members.
- Sprint lasts for few seconds and then all the glamour ends and spectators can disperse while marathon lasts for at least 2 hours before the countdown to the end of the race begins.

Looking at this in the real life angle, we see it come to play in marriage to an extent that God even admits to favor a married man more:
"He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord".
We see the PLC companies as one of the biggest companies in any sphere they play in,
We see pack of wolves being referred to as one of the deadliest hunters on land
Even sharks when they are in groups hunt whales greater than them collectively in mass.

That settled, the challenge here becomes who are the right people to embark on this journey with?
This is food for thought some other day.........................................