Saturday, June 11, 2016


 A wise man once told me: "If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go with people" This is true on soo many accounts.

A very plain example is the athlete's race. Looking at the 100m dash, we will agree that the records broken by renown athletes are mind boggling with speed as fast as 10meters per second which is approximately 36km/hr on foot!!! On the other hand, marathon races of 42km are run in 2hrs 3mins and are lauded as historical feats.

Comparing these races we can see the following:
- In sprint its every man for himself, while in marathon team members hold one another, encouraging themselves on
- In sprint maximum speed is put in from the start to the end while in marathon, speed is increased and reduced strategically to conserve the energy
- In sprint sharing of resources is impossible as there is no time for that while in marathon, resources such as chewing gum, glucose, water etc are shared among the team members.
- Sprint lasts for few seconds and then all the glamour ends and spectators can disperse while marathon lasts for at least 2 hours before the countdown to the end of the race begins.

Looking at this in the real life angle, we see it come to play in marriage to an extent that God even admits to favor a married man more:
"He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord".
We see the PLC companies as one of the biggest companies in any sphere they play in,
We see pack of wolves being referred to as one of the deadliest hunters on land
Even sharks when they are in groups hunt whales greater than them collectively in mass.

That settled, the challenge here becomes who are the right people to embark on this journey with?
This is food for thought some other day.........................................

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