Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to really travel or spend that vacation

How to plan that special trip.

Many times, people go out of their way to plan for a special family vacation or honeymoon with the spouse only to spend that time in a very beautiful hotel room or be content strolling the streets of that city or the city mall.

Its time to change that perspective!!!

1. Look deep within yourself and ask yourself, what do I really want? Would you rather be on a cruise ship, a luxury yacht

or a ski resort?

Love to swim with the dolphins?

Watch elephants play their own premier league

or watch then paint things that will blow away your mind? The answer isn't always in the most popular countries especially when they have rejected your visa application before. Go to places that will fulfill the desire you have had in you since you were a child. They are not always as expensive as you think.
more tips coming up...............

Ask the experts for advice today!!!

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