Friday, September 16, 2016

Lessons From An Entrepreneur's Point of View: No More Tears

As a teenager, I once stumbled on a big well dressed man crying seriously alone one night as I returned from work. I was mortified. What on earth could make a grown man cry?
Over the years, that sight became more often to me and it isn't one I hope to witness anytime soon again.
Now, why should an entrepreneur cry???

On a bright sunny day, I eagerly dressed for a "big" appointment I had that day. If all things went well, i could walk away from that deal with a minimum of 35- 50M nairas. The odds were 8 against 10 in my favour. Earlier that day, I woke up in the wee hours of the morning and prayed and bound all the witches that will like to put sand inside my bowl of sweet soup that's at its final stage. So I had all loopholes covered. I even had a mental note of what I was going to do with the money. As I hurried along to get a cab heading to Banana Island Ikoyi, I greeted my street neighbours, already missing them because I will be moving in a months time or less sef, if only I find that perfect house to lease in Chevy view soon. Infact, I had numbers I was going to call tomorrow. The man said he was the mandate of some properties and the pictures he sent made sense. Noo, I won't call him tomorrow, I'll have to hire a taxi from Uber so everyone at home can go with me afterall, its going to be our house. Hmmm, this one that dollar is going up, I better buy that 2013 Camry fast o, befor i hear stories that touch the heart. Yeeesssss I knew I was forgetting something, my Samsung note 4 should come first oooo. Infact, I'll buy it the same day I get the alert.
I didn't even notice that I was already at my destination. I and my long time colleague smartly dressed walked into our Client's residence exactly one minute early.  The big man was already up, sipping coffee and reading the dailies. He was visibly impressed at our punctuality, (now the odds have moved up to 9 out of 10 in my favour :-D ) God is a good God. He offered us seats and the meeting started. In less than fifteen minutes later, we were in a cab back home and I was very sure my heart wasnt working anymore, because it was broken. In short, this kind of burning pain may not be normal, I was 85% sure that I needed medical help so I dont die from heart attack later that day.I managed not to break down till I got home, locked myself up in my room and cried my heart out. Why are rich people wicked like this?
Even if he didnt like it, why didnt he just pay us consultation fee for all our troubles or just pay the money first, while we work on something else. Chai, when I get rich, i won't be like him.
I was too shy to admit I cried when my big deals flopped till my friends admitted to it one day. Are just babies? Or is there something actually beating us?
 The famous Thomas Edison had 1,000 reasons I heard of to cry, yet he said, I haven't failed, I have only found 1,000 ways that don't work.
The likes of Dale Carnegie, Carl Jung, Joe Sabah, Richard Branson, Lori Greiner and Oprah Winfrey just to mention a few had hundreds of reasons to quit at every turn and step they took, but today they are role models for us.
Tears is the language of a broken heart, not for business moguls who make tough critical decisions at every point and day.
Tears is a sign of defeat. Success isn't for those who are defeated
Tears makes us have low self esteem because by sobbing, we are wallowing in self pity.
Tears does not let us think well to make the necessary decisions that means to be made.
Tears will not let us learn from our mistakes
Tears puts pressure on us to give up which is the perfect poison for success
Tears makes us look weak to an observer
Tears shows helplessness
Tears shows lack of emotional constraint
Tears wastes time we should have spent making plans
Tears doesn't take the problem away, it just magnifies it and thus make us hose faith in ourselves.
A wise woman once said, when you cry, your tears dont change anything, rather, they give you a headache and red eye to accompany you to face the foe who is still waiting for you.
As an entrepreneur, you must understand that things are never as bad as they feel or look like because, everything that has an advantage will have a disadvantage.
So, you must make that decision today.......
NO MORE TEARS!!!!!!!!!!

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