Tuesday, July 5, 2016

How To Fail Forward - For Entrepreneurs

- 'Show me a person who has never made a 
 mistake and I'll show you someone who has   never achieved much - Joan Collins
- Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war - Donald Trump
- It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure - Bill Gates
- Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something - Morihei Ueshiba- I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas A. Edison
- The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success - Paramahansa Yogananda
- Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable - Coco Chanel
-  A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying - B. F. Skinner

Every true entrepreneur has something good to say about failure, but on the start up or SME level, its a different story. We all bemoan failure and blame the economy, blame our parents who aren't buoyant enough to give us an extra advantage, some of us even go spiritual and blame the witches in our villages who do not want us to move forward.Many people believe the Dangote of Nigeria never suffered half of what they have faced in their lives business-wise, someone even told me that the American policies and Government are the secret behind Mark Zukerburg's success with Facebok, Whatsapp, Instagram and the likes while Bill Gates cannot be the richest without the secret help of the American Gov; This person believes that if these policies are replicated in Nigeria, many of us will become rich in a few years time.Thee are alot of people with this mindset and even worse, these people are quick to blame everyone and everything for their misfortunes and their "bad-luck"There are many more reasons why failure isn't what we always make it out to be. Let us begin to see failure not as a foe but a friend who has come to help us to become as great as Bill Gate.But the law of modelling advises us to follow the exact steps of those who wish to be like to get the same results they did.If the rich and the forbes billionaires all talk of failure as a sign of success, a teacher, a test why do we still feel they are wrong?

However.............The importance of failure in one's business life can never be over emphasized. How you see failure defines you and defines how much you can achieveFailure is a vital part of every successful start up or business tycoon. Failure is the only teacher that teaches unforgettable lessons which are also called experienceFailure changes you and prepares you for the success aheadFailure shakes off the loose feathersFailure differentiates the chaff from the wheatFailure broadens your mind to new options once the one's you hoped on fail,Failure shows us that nothing is really as bad as it is,Failure helps us to know our true friends because they feel there's no hope for you'Failure makes success sweetFailure means you're no longer where you started, you have attempted something, you have gained experienceFailure teaches us how to conquer other failures of that nature,Failure means you are at the lowest position and you can't fail beyond that pointQuitters will never win, Winners will never quit.No matter how many times you fail, you aren't the same with when you just started newly.

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