Saturday, June 11, 2016

Does Love Make Us Unconsciously Telepathic???

Many times, we have lain awake into the night thinking about the thief who stole our heart and won't give it back to us or better still, one we love especially if due to one thing or the other, we cannot see them or talk to them.
Many times, we wonder what they are doing. Funny enough, irrespective of our gender, the most common thoughts / questions to occupy our mind are:
- What is he/she doing now?
- Is he/she with someone else?
- Is he/she thinking about me too?
- Does he/she love me as much as I love he/she?

There are usually a million more questions collectively that plagues each one of us.
I was thrilled / shocked to see a report from.......... stating that after series of survey, scientists have confirmed that, whenever we are thinking of someone, more often than not, those people are thinking of us too where ever they are.

Hmmmmm, I started thinking of my then crush every night hoping he was also thinking about me.  Well, few months later, he asked me out and we finally got around to dating. One of those days of Mtn midnight call, he told me that he spent many nights thinking about me before he summoned the courage to ask me out. What Did I Just Hear??? So Its True??? He was also thinking of me all those nights!!!

Ever since then whenever I miss him and shakara won't let me call him or buzz him on social media, I resort to thinking about him and hoping that my newly found telepathic magic will work its magic on him and make sure he misses me too.

Truthfully, on some (not all) of those nights, he called me and told me he was missing me (3 out of 10 times) and I was sooo happy with myself.

I still don't know how this magic works, maybe you can try it too :-) :-)

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