Tuesday, August 23, 2016

There is a "Playing"and a "Paying" to be done

There's A "Paying" And A "Playing" To Be Done
A wise man once said to me, you either pay now and play later, or you play now and pay later. Its your choice but know that all men and women MUST pay and play at some point in life.
Now what are we paying for? and which game are we playing?
Paying stands for the years of sacrifice put in place to groom a business or to groom your source(s) of income while Playing represents the years when you do not do any striving, things just go on auto-cruise you sit back and play with your resources.
The best time to pay is when you are still young, optimistic and strong. When you can spend several days up at night determining a new path for your business. Its at your youth you can afford to struggle irrespective of whether you have eaten or not. You may or may not need a drug to fight off an illness. You are not easily discouraged by setbacks and failures and you have plenty of time to start again. This is when you are to pay all that there is to pay.
The best time to play is when you have successfully paid to set up multiple streams of income, and you can now afford to help family and friends comfortably. You can afford to pursue your dreams, give your children a good start in life and comfortably expand.
However, the case we see today is this:
Graduate from school, get a job, buy a car, buy a house, turn big boy/girl. And as the salary increases, change the house to a more expensive one and buy bigger and or more-expensive cars. Live like this for 20 - 35years and then towards your retirement, set up a very fancy business or pet project and do some nice things for people who you feel you must help (Like a President about to go out of power) and then say to yourself, I have lived a good life. Then sit back and enjoy your pensions and or pay off and face your business squarely and become a boss.......................................................
Until your inexperience in business and quest to maintain a high standard knocks you off your high pedestal. You still hang on to your pretty house and cars but inside, you are just living from hand to mouth. As the economy tightens, you begin to rely n your kids and those you believed owe you as you have helped them. Depends on how life turns out, all you may have to show is stories of how influential and rich you once were.
Statistics show that at age 65, only 1% is actually financially free. while 54% are dependent. This simply means that only 1% of people are actually doing things the right way.
Why be dependent on your family when the bible says that a good man keeps treasures for his children after him. Why are you keeping yourself as a liability? Don't you want to be a Don in your old age who the next generation entrepreneurs will come to for advice? Don't you want to lecture great people from your life experiences? Don't you want to be able to tell your children of some outstanding feat you pulled through when you were their age? Do you want your kids to ask you what you were doing when Aliko Dangote was becoming the richest black man in the world? Or you think Aliko is too old for you to compete with? Watch out, new entrepreneurs will rise from your generation to challenge Aliko's title. It doesn't matter what you think of them now, they are seriously paying now, and they will seriously play in due time. I hope you won't console yourself by telling yourself and everyone around you that those moguls made their money from blood sacrifices or lie to yourself that rich people cannot enter heaven because while you trek to church, someone is riding a G- Wagon of 50M+, while you are giving offering of #200,, someone is giving offering bigger than your 3 months tithe. God will not reject their money. infact, God said he will give them back in good measures and bless their storehouses so they will get richer while you will be getting #200 blessing and by the time God multiplies the zero in your store house by #200 (0 X 200 = 0 in 200 places) hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, you will be #200 poorer. lol

There is a Paying and a Playing to be done. You can turn a bind eye to anyone now, but know that certainly, the other one won't turn a blind eye to you. Some people think that they cannot sacrifice 5years of their lives to start a business but dont feel that giving up 35years of their lives is a greater sacrifice.

Not everyone has it in them to face those tough years of brainstorming, expensive lessons, lack of adequate finances and the likes. But know that those who are resilient enough to pull through, though looked down upon from the begining, will be looked up to at the end.

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