Friday, May 29, 2015

How to make your distance relationship work 2

Never mind the distance make it work..............................

- Always have something about your day's experience to share. They spice up the relationship and build ties.
- Avoid quarrels by all means, they are bond killers; However, knowing that we are all humans and have emotions, bottling anger and bitterness is not what I am implying, communication is always the best. In cases where you have to communicate your anger. remember this  -you have the right to be angry but not to be cruel- so please chose your words carefully and be sure your partner understands what you are trying to say, many quarrels in relationships were not intentional, the other partner misunderstood and both parties felt too proud to either explain things or apologise.

- If and when a quarrel does occur, make sure you don't go to bed without settling things, take time to read those mails and text messages that seemed soo rude at first, try to put yourself in his or her and see things from his or her own end. Don't give room to bitterness and breakups.
- Talk about your future together; we all assume that for you to be putting all the effort into dating someone you cannot see, it is because you hope for a future together. Talk about your future together, the type of families you both desire to have, the kind of spouse you hope to have and the kind of spouse you are expected to be. Prepare your minds for the future together. My bible tells me that the man will leave his family and cleave to his wife and they both shall become one flesh. Maths tells me 1+1 = 2; so definitely, for both of you to become one, you have to let go of half of you 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. Talking to your partner will let you know which half of you needs to be dropped so that things can work out better.

- Time spent together is important, even if you are half way around the world! In your monthly budget, put a tiny percentage aside for purchasing a plane ticket as often as you can (a tiny percentage can be anywhere from 5 - 10%). Visit each others houses or meet somewhere nice and romantic. In truth, a relationship cannot thrive on calls and IM alone.
- Be there for your partner, humans adapt fast. If you are not there or do not care or do not show tat you care, your partner will learn to live without you.
- Learn the magic words and use it frequently.

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