Friday, November 22, 2013

Issues with singles 2

Appearances matter a lot. People see who you are before hearing what you have to say. Also, first Impression goes a long way. So it won't hurt to look good more often than not. Yeah some guys say they aren't interested in appearances but that isn't entirely true because your appearance is what made him take that second look in the first place. Men are moved by what they see.
This is where dressing the way you want to be addressed comes in. If you dress like a call girl or a club girl, you will mostly attract club guys and players. No entrepreneur wants to marry a stripper. Like wise, a drug addict won't be looking for a nerd. Don't say opposites attract because the magnet attracts only metals or substances with metallic attributes not wood and rubber.
Summary: If you have this guy you are dating, or someone you are hoping to date, or plan to attract, study him/her, starting from the way the person dresses to the composure and imitate it. Ces't finis!

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