Saturday, November 30, 2013

Issues with singles 3

Some people get this sudden feeling of disgust right after having sex.
While this is not normal, it is not abnormal. It is not uncommon
although people shy away from discussing it. It is a mental condition
known as Post-coital tristesse (PCT). It is a feeling of melancholy
after intimate intercourse. This is more common in men than in women.
Its name comes from New Latin postcoitalis and French tristesse,
literally "sadness". Many PCT sufferers may also exhibit strong
feelings of anxiety, anywhere from five minutes to two hours after
Reproduction (penile-vagi*nal sex).
The cause of this psychological condition has not really been
established, some scientists say it is hormonal change while some say
it is biochemical. Somehow it is established to be
'Guilt'. The solution lays with the sufferer as no medication is
prescribed. Visiting a therapist is advised too.

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