Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fwd: Issues with singles

Random sex.
I once heard someone say that virginity is not dignity but lack of opportunity. Well from my research, plenty singles have bought this stupid idea that virginity is bnot something to be proud of. A girl once said casually, I am not a virgin because society ostracises you if you have a hymen after the age of 15. Another guy told me, that his friends told him that a girl being a virgin can be accepted but not a boy.

Now this is what they think, how about we ask our darling parents what their say is on this issue. Every grown up adult who played with sex while a teenager always has some form of regret for it. Why, teen-age is a very crucial part of our lives which we know nothing about but sturbonly refuse to go to those who do.

I am not asking anyone to be a nun or an eunuch, but, dont give it up just becasuse of what you want people to thiink about you. Walking down the corridors of a syphillis ward in the hospital, I detested sex and could swear that I will not go down there again. But as our elders say, the human body is not a fire wood. temptetions will come but thaat does not give us the right to become private sluts in the name of dating. Ever lived with someone who has full bloown aids or any communicable disease? the pain in knowing that your days on planet earth are numbered? Medical practitioners try their best to enlighten us and alleviate social stigma, but it will never erase it away. You will still get ''the looks'', bad vibes and so on.

Its better heard than experienced. If you must, stay with one partner and try to put a leash on running desires. Thats a true sign of growing up. Being able to control and rein in your emotions. A few minutes of rumbling the sheets isnt worth a lifetime of pain.

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