Saturday, November 30, 2013

Woman caught trying to hide durgs in a fake baby bump

A Toronto woman sparked outrage after she was caught smuggling cocaine in a prosthetic belly.
Police identified Tabitha Leah Ritchie after seizing her while in possesion of two kilograms of cocaine.
The 28-year-old mule was caught by Colombian police, while trying to board a flight at Bogota airport.
The Canadian bound woman had the cocaine hidden in a fake latex belly and was stopped when officials noticed that it was unusually cold and hard, states The Huffington Post

Issues with singles 3

Some people get this sudden feeling of disgust right after having sex.
While this is not normal, it is not abnormal. It is not uncommon
although people shy away from discussing it. It is a mental condition
known as Post-coital tristesse (PCT). It is a feeling of melancholy
after intimate intercourse. This is more common in men than in women.
Its name comes from New Latin postcoitalis and French tristesse,
literally "sadness". Many PCT sufferers may also exhibit strong
feelings of anxiety, anywhere from five minutes to two hours after
Reproduction (penile-vagi*nal sex).
The cause of this psychological condition has not really been
established, some scientists say it is hormonal change while some say
it is biochemical. Somehow it is established to be
'Guilt'. The solution lays with the sufferer as no medication is
prescribed. Visiting a therapist is advised too.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Issues with singles 2

Appearances matter a lot. People see who you are before hearing what you have to say. Also, first Impression goes a long way. So it won't hurt to look good more often than not. Yeah some guys say they aren't interested in appearances but that isn't entirely true because your appearance is what made him take that second look in the first place. Men are moved by what they see.
This is where dressing the way you want to be addressed comes in. If you dress like a call girl or a club girl, you will mostly attract club guys and players. No entrepreneur wants to marry a stripper. Like wise, a drug addict won't be looking for a nerd. Don't say opposites attract because the magnet attracts only metals or substances with metallic attributes not wood and rubber.
Summary: If you have this guy you are dating, or someone you are hoping to date, or plan to attract, study him/her, starting from the way the person dresses to the composure and imitate it. Ces't finis!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fwd: Issues with singles

Random sex.
I once heard someone say that virginity is not dignity but lack of opportunity. Well from my research, plenty singles have bought this stupid idea that virginity is bnot something to be proud of. A girl once said casually, I am not a virgin because society ostracises you if you have a hymen after the age of 15. Another guy told me, that his friends told him that a girl being a virgin can be accepted but not a boy.

Now this is what they think, how about we ask our darling parents what their say is on this issue. Every grown up adult who played with sex while a teenager always has some form of regret for it. Why, teen-age is a very crucial part of our lives which we know nothing about but sturbonly refuse to go to those who do.

I am not asking anyone to be a nun or an eunuch, but, dont give it up just becasuse of what you want people to thiink about you. Walking down the corridors of a syphillis ward in the hospital, I detested sex and could swear that I will not go down there again. But as our elders say, the human body is not a fire wood. temptetions will come but thaat does not give us the right to become private sluts in the name of dating. Ever lived with someone who has full bloown aids or any communicable disease? the pain in knowing that your days on planet earth are numbered? Medical practitioners try their best to enlighten us and alleviate social stigma, but it will never erase it away. You will still get ''the looks'', bad vibes and so on.

Its better heard than experienced. If you must, stay with one partner and try to put a leash on running desires. Thats a true sign of growing up. Being able to control and rein in your emotions. A few minutes of rumbling the sheets isnt worth a lifetime of pain.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Widows and pains

Discovery ; Widows deal with pain more than married folks!
I am not surprised at this discovery though having lived with an aunt who is a widow. I come to appreciate those lone burden bearers

Monday, November 11, 2013

Male insecurity

Enough talk already about the ladies. Men are not better. The higher the emotional walls, the softer the heart inside. I mean thats why the walls are so high in the first place.

A man feeling insecured is different from a man with a bruised ego although they may act the same way.

Reason number one: Body physique.
Short men always tend to more touchy than women cause they get this impression that if they do not do so, they may be taken for a ride as they have already been cheated by nature. It takes alot of maturity in the man for him to overcome that feeling. Also some are more concerned over their abs, muscle, appearance etc.

The only other reason I can think of is his or her sexual capability or performance. This is like the bedrock of their ego. They feel bad if any little thing goes wrong in the bedroom. A man will definitely be bruised seriously if you scream another man's name while having sex, if another man disvirgins his girlfriend etc especially if he likes her.

Well other than this two topics, I think the men are less complicated than the women although people differ greatly. Up next, issues with singles.