Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy birthday to me!!!

Yes I am a year older today and wiser too......

I just have to share some lessons life has taught me.
Life and experience are tough teachers, you only learn the lessons after the test. No notice of test is given, no class to prepare you, its you and your God.
I managed nonetheless to grab a few things which have proven to be timeless truths.  They are :
1. Failure isn't as bad as it seems. One who keeps trying and failing is better than the person who never tried at all. Its called "Failing forward"
2. Experience is the most expensive lesson or class one can attend. But in that class, the best teachers the world can ever boast of are there.
3. The Bible is the best manual/mentor an entrepreneur can get. 99.9% of all the Laws of macro and micro Economics, etiquette, politics, entrepreneurship, temperaments, Financial intelligence are all in the bible, its a pity its sooo underestimated.
4. Times have changed, but the advice has not.
5. Nothing in this world is worth dying for. They are all vanity.The only things which are priceless are those treasures which you can take out of this world and which have the power to influence your eternal destination. Dollars, Land c of o's, Company incorporation cert, etc are useless once you pass the clouds. Why make the sky your limit when the space is endless?
I better drop my pen now.

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