Monday, June 15, 2015

Understanding the key principles of money

Some Key Paradigms that have to change.

1. Your money is not yours, its God's. Once you understand that all you have is not yours, God gave you the power and wisdom to make that wealth. Knowing this, it becomes easier to give to the poor and  needy and pay tithes which is what God requires of us for him to bless us the more.

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2. The only way you can get more is to become more. The biblical parable of Talents comes to play here. The servant who made the most turnover got more. you cannot get more overnight, to get promoted at work, you must have improved considerably, furthered your education or gotten a new skill. You must work on yourself to be able to control more.

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3. Understand that you are where you are because that is where you are qualified to be not because some curse or wicked uncle and aunt in the village tied you down. The little change that enters your pocket is enough to start a business that will grow to an empire if you are trained enough to recognize and assess opportunities, and if you know the right steps to take your business will not fail. If you are not up to the task however, you will keep spending money on your wardrobe, relationships, phones and other expenses while waiting for manna to drop from heaven. Get exposed, learn how to take risks, learn how to make crucial decisions, learn how to be in a position of authority and watch yourself rise naturally.

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4. Imitate God as his children. God is the greatest economist, mentor and teacher anyone can have. All the laws of finance and wealth creation are in the bible. They were simply rephrased and taught in a non-religious setting. For e.g:
Parkinson's law states that Expenses will always rise to meet the income,
The bible says that when wealth increase, they that eat it also increases,
Napoleon Hill said in his book "Think and grow rich" There is an infinite reservoir of knowledge available to all humans to tap from.
The  Bible says that there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth him wisdom.
the whites say pride goes before a fall,  The bible said that God resisteth the proud
There are many more biblical laws and prophecies concerning the global economy, managing finances and etiquette. We just overlook them. That should change.

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5. Money's destination is to go away from you, you must give it a reason not to do so. You must keep being productive. Don't just abandon money in your bank account. Keep tying your money down by investing wisely.

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6. God first. Prov ch 3 vs 9 and 10 god must come first. Meaning that all your actions must be first cross checked with the bible to be sure you are still in good pages with him. As long as you don not serve idols, your blessings and riches will come from God. It will be very silly to offend him Mon - Sat then pray to him on Sunday asking for blessings and riches.

7. Money is a disciplinarian. you must be disciplined. The bible says that strong men keep riches. Being strong there also implies being ruthless or disciplined. Money is all about principles. You must master them for you to effectively master money and lay the foundations that will last through generations.

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8. Learn to contain your expenses within your income. Going by "The lessons from the richest man in Babylon" many of us are grossly living over our income. We do not know how to prioritize. We feel because we earn 5M monthly, we should live in a house where the rent is 20M annually so that we can have Jay-z and Beyonce as neighbours. Not so. This will for m the basis on my next post on #managingfinances.

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