Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How to manage your time

It costs more not to do the things than it would cost you to do them

According to Brain Tracy, if you like and respect yourself, manage
your time very well Because, time is your most precious resource

It's easier said than done but the more do it, the more you can do it

Because time's precious, irreplaceable and indispensable, you have to Save It

Learning how to say NO is an inertia that you must overcome if you
must manage time effectively

- Self discipline, self control, self mastery
- Design a work plan
- Design a sequence of ur event
- Have a sense of control
- be skillful in time usage
Invest ur time in achievement
- Invest it in your personal life
- have a long term view (makes to sacrifice in the short term)
- understand that your life, income and reward is a function of how
you use ur time
- be value driven
- understand that imperfect practice leads to perfection
And the return of good time management shall be happiness and success

As pointed above, planning (work plan) is very essential in good time management

-Develop a TO DO (daily, monthly, yearly, etc). Oga JSM's tracker can
be very helpful here. Call him to order for it
-Do what you enjoy doing. This improves performance
Happiness comes when you believe in what you do
- Set your priorities
-Ask yourself this question- 'What will I do if I know that I have
just 6 months to live?'
- Set goals for yourself. Brian Tracy said that goal-setting will do
more to help u achieve what you want in life than will anything else
u've been exposed to
Ask why, what and how as u set ur goals
- have an expectation
- know what price to pay and pay it
- choose the right vehicles and
- avoid procrastination

Brian Tracy also exposed us to the time management quadrant
The Quadrant:
Top left (Act quickly)- Urgent + Important. Short term planning
Top right (Effective) - Important + Not Urgent. Usually for long term planning
Bottom left (Emergency)- Not Important + Urgent
Bottom Right(Waste of Time) - Not Important + Not Urgent. U can do it
once in blue moon. Good for those that count bottles.
For effective time management, you need to categorize your tasks into
the above quadrant

Finally, to maximize your To Do, your daily task should be categorized as:
A- Must do
B- Should do
C-Would like to but no consequence
D- Delegate
E- Eliminate

Inspirational quotes from the world's most influential people

"In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but
what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them
successful human beings." - Ann Landers

"All children behave as well as they are treated." - Jan Hunt

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is
done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. - Lao Tzu

Let your workings remain a mystery. Just show people the results. - Lao-tzu

Care about what other people think and you will always be their
prisoner. - Lao Tzu

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish
and you feed him for a lifetime. - Lao Tzu

To lead the people, walk behind them. - Lao Tzu

See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always
works, it works every time with every person. - Bob Proctor

If you put in the TIME + EFFORT, you will see the RESULTS. Add a
commitment to only positive thoughts and the results will blow you
away. - Bob Proctor

It's time to sit down and have a serious truth session with yourself.
Stop entertaining any negatives about yourself. - Bob Proctor

You were born to win, but to be a winner,you must plan to win, prepare
to win, and expect to win. - Zig Ziglar

Stop selling. Start helping. You will get all you want in life, if you
help enough other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar

Will you look back on your life and say, 'I wish I did, or I'm glad I
did? - Zig Ziglar

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be
great. - Zig Ziglar

Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable. - Zig Ziglar

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
- Albert Einstein

Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. - Albert Einstein

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or
objects. - Albert Einstein

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of
value. - Albert Einstein

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
moving. - Albert Einstein

If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you. - W.
Clement Stone

No matter how carefully you plan your goals, they will never be more
than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. - W. Clement Stone

Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through
persistence. - Ovid

To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what
you can. - Arthur Ashe

You don't need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get
inspired by how you deal with your imperfection. - Wilson Kanadi

You don't need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get
inspired by how you deal with your imperfection. - Wilson Kanadi

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. - Paulo Coelho

The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does
anything. - Denis Waitley

If you can run one business well, you can run any business well. -
Richard Branson

Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one
coming. - Richard Branson

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't,
you'll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book. - Jim Rohn

To acquire knowledge, one must study, but to acquire wisdom, one must
observe. - Marilyn vos Savant

Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes
it permanent. - Marilyn vos Savant

When man lines up to God's agenda, God empowers the man, and adds on
all else. - Adeolu Akinyemi

God was pleased that Solomon's request aligned with His will, so He
added everything else – Money, honor, long life, etc - Adeolu Akinyemi

God has a lot to do, but would not do them until He gets a human
representative who would align with him.- Adeolu Akinyemi

Solomon did not ask for anything for himself, he asked for what will
enable him to do God's WILL at that time. - Adeolu Akinyemi

You can pray every year, and pray daily if you like. God does not hear
your prayer until it is in line with His will. - Adeolu Akinyemi

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

lighten your day with this joke

Please join me in thanking God o!
Tomorrow is the last day...

It was february 2011, and I just started comedy by then, the highest
amount I had gotten paid for an event was 1,500 naira (one thousand
five hundred).. Some times, I trek to an event and trek home too....
Then one friday I just came back from an event where I was paid 800
naira, as I was about to take off my clothes for a nap, My phone rang.
I picked up my phone and saw it was a call from a number that started
with +229.. "This person isn't calling from Nigeria, Nigeria's code is
+234, it has to be from
abroad" I thought to my self so I picked the call and the next thing I heard
was: " Good day, am Marion by name, I stay in Benin Republic. Am I
speaking with James?"
With the way he sounds, I never
answered a question without a sir at the end. He said he wants me to
perform for 10mins in an event at Cotonou, on the 3rd of march and I
would be paid 10,000 CEFA (Benin Republic's currency). I agreed and
thanked him with passion.
I wish I knew how much 10,000 CEFA in Cotonou is in Nigeria..
Immediately after the call, because I could not convert 10,000 CEFA
into Nigeria currency and know how much it would be, I ran to my
mathematics teacher, who stayed few miles away and she worsen the
By the time I got to her place, out of
happiness that someone abroad had called my number, I forgot the name
of the country and the currency So I told my mathematics teacher that
I had an event abroad and would be paid 10,000 in the country's
currency but I can't remember the country nor the currency..
My mathematics teacher said since I can't remember the country and the
currency, let's use U.S.A as the country and Dollar as the currency,
She said:
1 naira =150 dollar, So..
10 dollar=1500 naira..
100 dollar=15000 naira
1000 dollar=15 000 000 naira
Therefore.. 10,000 dollar= 15 000 000 000 naira (15 billion) see where
she missed it?

At this point, tears begin to drop down my eyes.. I bought 5000 naira
recharge card for my mathematics teacher as her share, on my way home,
I began to wonder.. In Nigeria I talk for 45 minutes and they pay me
1000 but now am talking for 10 minutes and
they want to pay 15 billion... I had to call Mr Marion to confirm how
much I'll b paid and he repeated 10 000 CEFA (that was when I
remembered CEFA was the currency in question but I felt it doesn't
matter again ).. When I got home, I told my dad and mum to leave our 2
rooms and lodge in a 3*** Hotel, eat anything and demand for anything
until I come back....

When I got to the venue at Cotonou and
performed for just 10mins (with 15 billion, in my brain).. It was as
if I was cheating Mr Marion. I beg him to perform for at least 1hour
but he said I was booked for just 10mins.. I wasn't satisfied, I went
outside and started cracking jokes to the market women and passers
by.. Because to me, 15billion is too much for 10 minutes..
After the event he gave me the money, a note, 10 000 was written on
it.. I was glad... When I got home, my house was full of people I know
and people I don't ..
As a new billionaire, I told everybody to collect recharge card from
someone dat sells nearby.. So they all collected 1,000 naira recharge
card each..
After that I asked them to order for anything of their choice from the
hotel's restaurant, while I went to the
bank to change the money...
On my way to the bank I carry 2 big bags because 15 billion isn't a
small money and I chartered one taxi for 10,000 naira.... When I got
to the bank I
gave the lady my 10 000 CEFA and my 2 bags. She asked me what are the
bags for? I said "to put the money of course" The way she smiled, I
knew she wanted me to give her small money..
Then i said "don't worry beggar, I will give you something" She
entered one room and came out with my 2 bags inside a polythene bag
then she gave me 3,200 naira.. I started shouting that I came here
first and she was answering someone else before me. After much
explanation, It was then
I knew that
100 dollar =1500 naira but
100 CEFA =25 naira..)
Since 2011 I have washed dishes and cleaned the restaurant for 1 year
then I washed clothes and even wash the workers clothes too, sometimes
I go to their various houses to work ..
Tomorrow is the last day...
Thank God!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Rate your personality; how attractive are you?

A. Body shape
B. Natural features
C. Dressing/appearance
D. Countenance/facial expression
6.25 per point

(Not pride or over confidence)
Scale of 1 to 5
5 per point

Not a caterpillar hard type but definitely not the bread and butter.
Scale of 1 to 5
5 per point

A. Voice
B. Smile
C. Humor
D. Intelligence
E. Caring attitude
F. Matured mind
G. Vibe
3.58 per point

8 secrets of communication

You must be fully comfortable within
yourself before you can be effective in
communicating with others. True
discussion requires the ability to be fully present and fully interested in the
perspective of others. It is a discussion
between equals, in which you are solid and aligned within yourself to
the point that you are able to hear and desire to
understand the opinion of another without interruption, without anger,
and without "the need to be 'right'."

There's not necessarily a need to agree, but the ability to genuinely
strive to understand another person's perspective is a vital skill you
should call upon often.

2. Take the time to increase your
awareness. As we tend to "close ourselves off" to the world outside of
our phones, the television, iPad, computer or our favorite book, what
other information might await as we open ourselves up to confronting
the world around us every day in 3D? The outdoors, your own space, the
objects around you—pick them up, feel them, hold them, genuinely
discover them and you may be amazed by the things you will learn. From
the moment your feet hit the floor in the morning, become aware of the
solidness of the floor, and take a moment to throw open the drapes and
really take in the characteristics of the space that
surrounds you. From this vantage point, you can spend the rest of your
day with an attitude of looking "out" instead of contracting "inward."
It will make a great difference in the perspectives you see.

3. True integrity requires learning to be
yourself – the same self – at all times and with all people. We've all
seen the people who shift like a chameleon to be the person they
consider fitting for every occasion. The suave and entertaining person
who is life of the party and then goes home to yell at a spouse. The
boss who shines like a star from the podium and after the program is
over shouts abuse at his staff. The person who feigns religious piety
or political conservatism in front of the parent or boss and then
becomes a different person entirely for the rest of the week. Great
requires that you "lose the attitudes" you put on like a coat from
your closet and learn to exist as the same authentic and integrated
person in the presence of everyone else in your life. Who is that
person? If you aren't sure or the question is suddenly giving you
pause, you have work to do.

4. Help is only "help" in the eye of the
receiver. People can become upset if the
"help" you provide isn't helpful for them. As you provide something
others didn't really want or weren't expecting, they become annoyed
and you consider them ungrateful. As a boss, the help you are needing
should take the form of a job description (the clearer the better). As
a manager or team member, learn to ask the deeper questions such as,
"Of everything on your plate, if you were to receive help, what would
be most beneficial?" or "What kinds of feedback or additional
information would be most useful to you?"
These small steps can save untold anxiety while also respecting and
empowering the people you serve. It is also interesting to note that
research shows millennial employees are especially poised to thrive on
help—not on getting help, but on giving it. The opportunity to serve
others in a way
they consider meaningful can be
extremely motivational and rewarding for them. (Pamela notes that this
principle is highly true when working with children as well.)

5. Be aware of your emotional level before you respond. Beyond words,
we live in a continuum of attitudes and emotions. At any instant our
emotional state can range from zero (complete apathy) to ten (flaming
rage). We are at our cognitive best when we are operating at or near
the centre of the emotional spectrum. Before making a major choice,
and especially before responding in a difficult situation, it
is vital to step back and take your
emotional pulse. Especially when you are angry, ask yourself "What is
it I want to happen? Is what I'm about to say or do the best way to
achieve that result?" As Pamela will say, "Words have power. You can't
take them back. Use them with care." Of all the "Pam Lessons" that
have stayed with me, this single principle has changed outcomes within
my business again and
again. Always sleep on a hard decision or discussion before acting. Avoid the
temptation to react to a volatile situation with ill chosen words.
This advice applies to "bragging" as well—when a former business
competitor bragged about a contract before the deal was actually won,
it reminded me to reach back out to the former account. The result: it
was my team
who won the sizeable deal. In another
company a highly accomplished sales VP, after drinking too much on the
eve of a major company conference, bragged that his company and CEO
were inferior but were leading the market anyway due entirely to his
brilliant performance in sales. The next morning, he was relieved of
his job. It is also interesting in business (and personal) situations
to observe that
the greatest power in the room is often
held by the individuals who aren't
speaking–the strongest people in the room are often the ones who have
sufficient confidence and emotional restraint to keep their mouths

6. Trust, loyalty, faithfulness and honesty are the cornerstones to
resolving misunderstandings and lies. Unless people are deliberately
vicious and evil, they don't purposely tell lies, they simply
interpret what they see or are told. If there's a "drama queen" in the
person's nature, they'll also embellish it a bit for a better story.
But at all times, as a communicator, be careful and aware of the
assumptions you make. Allow other parties to explain themselves, or
take the time to investigate the facts sufficiently before you jump to
accuse. You should put
critical communications in writing.
However, when misunderstandings occur, if the four key elements are
present—trust, loyalty, faithfulness and honesty–the majority of
misunderstandings are quickly resolved. No matter how dire a
misunderstanding, great communicators will seek out the information
they need before reacting and will maintain an atmosphere of respect
in the conversation that ensues. If it turns out that the worst has
actually happened, you will at least be
armed with correct information (and the advantage of forethought)
before acting. Remember that with an attitude of respect you can be
successful within most any conversation, no matter how tough.

However, if respect and honesty aren't
possible on either side of the table, there is little basis for the
partnership to exist and very little hope the relationship can be

7. Fear is the enemy of communication.
Anxiety, nervousness, panic, loss of
control (or the need to take full control)
are the signposts of fear. At a primal level, fear is your brain's way
of warning you to react quickly (even instantly) to present dangers or
to triggers that appear similar to bad experiences you've had in the
Healthy fear reacts to real and present
dangers. Unhealthy fear makes people feel insecure. They don't trust
others, nor do they trust themselves to be strong enough to handle the
negative situations they may face. What are your own fears? Name them
– remember them – and determine
once and for all (if needed, with a
counselor's help) if these are real dangers or simply the unhealthy
act of giving away strength to the irrelevant thing that you fear. As
you determine what you're afraid of (and why) it may help to ask
yourself just how big the danger is. Bigger than an avalanche? And now
describe a fear you don't have that's even bigger than that. A train
wreck? Or a bomb explosion? From
that perspective, perhaps your fear of
giving a speech is not such a big deal after all, and you can free
yourself to proceed.

8. Blame is an irresponsible attitude. When you assign blame, you
demonstrate to the world that you are too weak to own the
responsibility of your actions. When a person jumps to blame others,
they lose the ability to make a truthful assessment of the relevant
facts. Blame becomes
wrapped up with its companions of Shame and Regret. The opposite of
blame is responsibility (response+ability), the power to respond to a
situation and the ability to make it right, if possible. Sincere
apologies are the result of responsibility. But a person who is shamed
into apologizing is not genuinely apologizing at all. And regret is a
useless emotion that leaves a person mired and "stuck" in the
past. So the next time you are tempted to blame the tool you've used, or the
manufacturer, or another person, take the time to investigate all of
the facts and enact a responsible solution instead.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

principles of investing by Robert Kiyosaki

Understanding…and mastering the game of investing.

When I was a young boy, my best friend Mike, the son of my rich dad,
took up both the game of golf and investing. Both were games, in a
sense, both were difficult to master, and both required understanding
the rules of the game.
Fifteen years later, when we were both twenty-five years old, Mike was
an expert at both golf and investing. I was just beginning to learn
the rules.
I make this point because, regardless of how young or old you are,
learning the basics of anything, is important. Most people take some
kind of golf lessons to learn the basics before playing golf, but
unfortunately, most people never learn the simple basics of investing
before investing their hard-earned money.

The following are the 6 basics of investing taught to me by my rich dad:

Basic rule #1: Know what kind of income you're working for. Most
people think only of making money. They
don't realize that there are different kinds of money to work for. For
years, rich dad drilled into Mike and me that there are three kinds of
A. Ordinary earned income: Generally earned from a job via a paycheck.
It's the highest-taxed income, and thus, the hardest to build wealth
B. Portfolio income: Generally derived from paper assets such as
stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
C. Passive income: Generally derived from real estate, royalties, and
distributions. It is the lowest-taxed income, with many tax benefits,
and is the easiest income to build wealth with.
Rich dad said, "If you want to be rich, work for passive income."

Basic rule #2: Convert ordinary income into passive income
Most people start their life out by making ordinary earned income as
an employee. The path to building wealth then starts with
understanding that there are other types of income and then converting
your earned income into the other types of income as
efficiently as possible. To illustrate this, rich dad drew a simple diagram:
"That, in a nutshell," said rich dad, "is all an investor is supposed
to do. It's as basic as it can get."

Basic rule #3: The investor is the asset or liability. As we've
discussed recently, many people think investing is risky . The
reality, however, is that it's the investor who is risky. The investor
is the asset or liability. "I have seen investors lose money when
everyone else is making it," said rich dad. "In
fact, a good investor loves to follow behind a risky investor because
that is where the real investment bargains can be found!"

Basic rule #4: Be prepared. Most people try to predict what and when
things will happen. But a true investor is
prepared for anything to happen. "If you are not prepared with
education, experience, or extra cash, a good opportunity will pass you
by," said rich dad. Rich dad went on to say that it was most important
not to predict what will happen but to instead focus on what you want,
to keep your eyes open to what is happening, and to respond to
opportunity. This is done through continual education and application.

Basic rule #5: Good deals attract money
One of my big concerns as a beginning investor was how I would raise
money if I found a good deal. Rich dad reminded me that my job was to
stay focused on the opportunities in front of
me, to be prepared. "If you are prepared, which means you have
education and experience," said rich dad, "and you find a good deal,
the money will find you or you will find the money." Rich dad's point
was that getting the money was the easy part. The hard part was
finding a great
deal that attracted the money—which is why so many people are ready to
give money to a good investor.

Basic rule #6: Learn to evaluate risk and reward. As you become a
successful investor, you must learn to evaluate risk and reward. Rich
used the example of a nephew building a burger stand. "If you had a
nephew with an idea for a burger stand, and he needed $25,000, would
that be a good investment?" "No," I answered. "There is too much risk
for too little reward."
"Very good," said rich dad, "but what if I told you that this nephew
has been working for a major burger chain for the past 15 years, has
been a vice president of every important aspect
in the business, and is ready to go out on his own and build a
worldwide burger chain? And what if you could buy 5 percent of the
company with a mere $25,000? Would that be of interest to you?" "Yes,"
I said. "Definitely because there is more
reward for the same amount of risk."
Learning and mastering the rules of investing takes a life-long
investment in financial education. But these basics will get you
started. Where you go from here is up to you.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Educational and visa Assistance and Consultation now available

Hello beautiful people, happy new week.

I've been working on a project that has been taking my time. I won't
say the project is completed but the hardest part is done.

Now, I offer assistance to anyone wanting to secure admission abroad
in a very wide range of schools especially Europe and North America.

Jobs and accommodation can be worked out for you but please understand
that these things take time.

Visa assistance to USA, Canada, Dubai, U.K and China available. I'm
partnering with top profile immigration experts in these countries to
help and assist even the hardest of cases.

I'll update with more info from time to time.

Have a blessed week ahead and happy Ramadan kareem to our muslim
brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Land 5mins from airport for sale!!!

We have land located in a rapidly developing Orofun, Akodo area in
Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos!

The land is:
- Opposite Eko Tourist resorts, Akodo
- 3 mins from Hermitage Resorts, Akodo
- 7 mins from Lekki Free Trade Zone
- 8 mins from proposed Dangote refinery
- 10 mins from Amen Estate
- 10 mins from Alberta Academy
- 10 mins from Remi Tinubu's New Youth Era Camp
- 5 mins from Eleko Beach

Other land marks close by are:
- Proposed Lekki Airport
- Proposed Lekki Seaport
- Lekki Beach Golf Resorts
- La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resorts
- Land comes with C of O

The land is currently free from acquisition and has been gazetted by
Lagos State.
Cost of Land: N2.6m

5 principles of productivity

Much of success is about performance. It's about what we do and what
we are able to inspire others to do.

There are some simple performance principles I have learned in my
life, and I want to share them with you. They
really bring success, and what it takes to be successful, into sharp
focus. They are also the basis for developing and maintaining an
expectation of success.

The Five Principles of Performance:
1. We generally get from ourselves and others what we expect. It is a
huge fact that you will either live up or down to your own
expectations. If you expect to lose, you will. If you expect to be
average, you will be average.
If you expect to feel bad, you probably will. If you expect to feel
great, nothing will slow you down. And what is true for you is true
for others. Your expectations for others will become what they deliver
and achieve. As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the

2. The difference between good and excellent companies is training.
The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is to not
train them and keep them! A football team would not be very successful
if they did not train, practice, and prepare for their opponents. When
you think of training as practice and preparation, it makes you wonder
how businesses survive that do not make significant
training investments in their people.
Actually, companies that do not train their people and invest in their
ability don't last. They operate from a competitive disadvantage and
are eventually gobbled up and defeated in
the marketplace. If you want to improve and move from good to
excellent, a good training strategy will be the key to success.

3. You find what you look for in life. If you look for the good things
in life, you will find them. If you look for opportunities to grow and
prosper, you will find them. If you look for positive,
enthusiastic friends and associates who will support you, you will
find them. On the other hand, if you look for ways to cheat, you will
cheat. If you look for ways to justify leaving your spouse, you will
find them. If you look for justifiable reasons to hold a grudge
against another person, you will find those, too. It is a natural
tendency of us all to look for things that will justify what we think
we need or want. If you are not living by the foundation stones of
honesty, character, integrity, faith, love, and loyalty, you will be
drawn to seeking selfish gratification, and that leads to misery and
unfulfilled dreams. Whatever you have will never be enough. Always
look for the good and
for ways to help others.

4. Never make a promise without a plan. Far too many people make
promises they can never keep. They may have the best intentions in the
world to keep their promise, but if they have not made a plan to keep
it, they will not be able to do it. Business leaders who make promises
to their employees will not honour them if they do not create a plan
on how the promises will be kept. If you make a future commitment, you
must understand and be willing to do whatever it takes to complete
that commitment. One of the reasons marriage commitments fail so
frequently is because the husband and wife do not understand what it
takes to have a great marriage. They do not plan for or understand the
sacrifices each must make for the other to
enable a long-lasting relationship.

5. Happiness, joy, and gratitude are universal if we know what to look
for. I believe you can have everything in life you want if you will
just help enough other people get what they want. All people want
happiness and joy in their life, but you have to know what produces
real happiness and how to do the things that produce it. The moment
you begin to worry about the things you want and the things you don't
have in life is the moment you will lose your gratitude for what you
actually have. If
you are ungrateful, you will never be satisfied or content or joyful
about your life. The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be
grateful at all times.

6. The Right Attitude
Obviously, the right attitude to expect the best in your life is a
positive attitude. But I want to be very clear that the kind of
positive attitude I
describe is not one that is contrived or falsely manufactured to
impress or manipulate others. The positive attitude I talk about is
one that you are filled with, and when you are jostled, it just
spills out! What I'm saying is that a genuinely positive attitude is
part of who you are at your core.
If you have a bad attitude, it is a reflection of who you are, as
well. It's a "heart condition," and to get rid of that bad attitude,
you need a
change of heart. I would be remiss if I did not encourage you by
saying that God is the most amazing heart surgeon available to us all.
He does not just repair a bad heart; He can give you a new one that
your body will not reject.
The new heart He provides will produce love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your
life. When you have those characteristics and qualities in your life,
you will be rightfully positioned to know beyond a shadow of a doubt
that you are truly born to win.