Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Female insecurity 2

2. Financial status. Everyone has heard about how the rich feels superior over the poor and all that, very true. A lady that comes from a rich background usually has a high self esteem unlike a lady who earns her living by sweating for every kobo. Fine, nobody goes about looking timid but behind those high steel walls of emotion is a soft heart that feels every action done to her because of her financial status. Often, when these two classes of people meet, there is an underlying resentment from the rich which may not go un-noticed by the poor. Just the title ajebutter (butter eater) and ajepako(wood eater) is enough to stir up this insecurity.

3. Wrong impression: Some families and friends are fond of saying mean things in the name of jokes or correction. There is a saying that there is no stone without fire. Yeah, you intended it as a joke but she may have that lingering suspicion that she actually has that deformity or clause in her. I was once a victim in this category. I have the craziest of friends and I love them more now that I understand them better. Back in those days, we joke and laugh a lot, sometimes I bear the brunt of the jokes and we all laugh it off some jokes are more wicked than the rest. I am almost 100% sure that if my mum was there, she would laugh at me too. Next thing I knew, I was always wondering during my quiet times why they made those mean jokes ( I am not the only one who bore the brunt of mean hilarious jokes) and a tiny voice said maybe its true. Bottom line is that at a point I got angry angry and told them that they hate me and they are wicked bla bla bla. That almost cost me good friends of over 5 years. The shock on their faces made me re-think my statement. Later they told me that all they ever said was a pure joke and they wont joke about me, that they were shocked at my behavior etc Now I understand them , not only them, my family is guilty of that and a few other friends. I feel like a happier person and I truly laugh at jokes because I want to not just to keep up appearances. My  self esteem also got healed.

There might be other reasons but I will stop here .

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