Sunday, October 27, 2013

Female insecurity

Hello, its a new day and we are up and thankful. The first thing I want to blog about is one thing I noticed among women and its the feminine insecurity. I have been a victim of that feeling which is very similar to inferiority complex.

 The first source of this insecurity stems from the body physique or body shape. Ladies are very sensitive about everything, lip color, hair length, height, shape, hips size, tummy size, body tone natural charm etc. I have even read a blog of a lady who was worried that her vagina did not smell like roses. As a guy, you might not even notice that there is anything wrong with this particular girl or woman, but this woman is jealous of somebody else and you do not see why she is jealous. Personally, I feel this is the reason why women feel more jealous of another lady than guys. Take for instance, Joy is a model, comes from a rich family and dates a guy most women will kill for, but she does not have a good hair growth and pink lips unlike Sharon who has a beautiful set of lips and an admirable length of hair although she is not rich or tall like Joy.The fact that this two ladies are not friends may be enough to start up jealousy in Joy. One day, Joy sees Tom her boyfriend talking to Sharon, automatically, her mind tells her that it is because of her beautiful hair and pink lips which she sadly lacks that Tom is trying to make friends with Sharon. Tom might have just been asking Sharon a question but someone is already dying of jealousy. It may not necessarily be this same story line but it happens.

To be continued .........................

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