Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Managing Finances #managingfinances Lesson 1

I just made one of the best decision of my life. And that is attending: Mentorship Sessions with Adeolu Akinyemi

I'm going to try my possible best to blog in detail about the lessons I learnt that have changed my financial and social life faster than I can say Jack.

Firstly, The 7 habits of highly effective people.

HABIT 1           

If it must be, its up to me.

For you to effectively seize control over your destiny, you must seize control and responsiblility over your mistakes.
Success is not an accident but a calculated incident.

You weren't late to work because of the traffic, but because you didn't wake up early enough to beat the traffic, you are not poor because of the economy, when you are poor in value, no amount of resources can raise you. I  was told of a man who had less than #10 in 2002 and nw owns over 10,000 acres of land and is worth billions. You aren't hated because of some "juju" but because you consciously or unconsciously pass off negative vibes.

When you say, its not my fault, you are pushing the responsibility to forces beyond your control and you admit there is nothing you could have done about it. But note this, the forces responsible for your failures will be responsible for your success. Meaning you cant control your life anymore. It has to depend on the rain, the traffic, the faulty alarm clock, the faulty car, the over demanding family, the lack of money, the government, the wicked HR that just doesn't like your face etc

If you are going to excel in academics, you must first acknowledge that you have been failing because of yourself. In life. you can either make it, or make excuses. You can't make both. So which would you choose?

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