Friday, May 29, 2015

How to make your distance relationship work 2

Never mind the distance make it work..............................

- Always have something about your day's experience to share. They spice up the relationship and build ties.
- Avoid quarrels by all means, they are bond killers; However, knowing that we are all humans and have emotions, bottling anger and bitterness is not what I am implying, communication is always the best. In cases where you have to communicate your anger. remember this  -you have the right to be angry but not to be cruel- so please chose your words carefully and be sure your partner understands what you are trying to say, many quarrels in relationships were not intentional, the other partner misunderstood and both parties felt too proud to either explain things or apologise.

- If and when a quarrel does occur, make sure you don't go to bed without settling things, take time to read those mails and text messages that seemed soo rude at first, try to put yourself in his or her and see things from his or her own end. Don't give room to bitterness and breakups.
- Talk about your future together; we all assume that for you to be putting all the effort into dating someone you cannot see, it is because you hope for a future together. Talk about your future together, the type of families you both desire to have, the kind of spouse you hope to have and the kind of spouse you are expected to be. Prepare your minds for the future together. My bible tells me that the man will leave his family and cleave to his wife and they both shall become one flesh. Maths tells me 1+1 = 2; so definitely, for both of you to become one, you have to let go of half of you 1/2 + 1/2 = 1. Talking to your partner will let you know which half of you needs to be dropped so that things can work out better.

- Time spent together is important, even if you are half way around the world! In your monthly budget, put a tiny percentage aside for purchasing a plane ticket as often as you can (a tiny percentage can be anywhere from 5 - 10%). Visit each others houses or meet somewhere nice and romantic. In truth, a relationship cannot thrive on calls and IM alone.
- Be there for your partner, humans adapt fast. If you are not there or do not care or do not show tat you care, your partner will learn to live without you.
- Learn the magic words and use it frequently.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Summer schools in the UK

Summer is fast approaching!

Summer school is a great way to gain the education during  summer, keep your job all year round and still get promoted later due to your added qualification.
Check out these summer schools:

Teacher Development Programme (Academic & Cultural Programme)

Insight Africa in partnership with other educational Institutions offer Teacher's Training Courses with Locations in London, Greenwich, Brighton, Oxford, Vancouver, Toronto and San Diego, alongside extensive summer

The programmes are built on three guiding principles - Reflection, Development and Application.

The course aims to provide you with:

An in-depth understanding of the grammatical and phonological systems of English.
An ability to identify the needs and motivation of learners from a variety of backgrounds.
A knowledge of the main theories of teaching and learning and how they relate to ELT.
An awareness of the role of English in the world.
A heightened awareness of how to reflect on your own teaching.
A greatly increased repertoire of techniques that you can use in the classroom
An ability to select and exploit materials according to your learners’ needs. .
Familiarity with a set of key texts and websites.
An awareness of how to support colleagues, including new teachers, in the work environment.
A knowledge of areas key to the teaching and classroom management of younger learners.
An insight in to British culture and history

You can chose from our Popular Packages or you can Build your own Course

Included in the Course Schedule

Accommodation single rooms. 
15 hours of teacher development per week in PM classes
Full activity and excursion programme
Travel card for the duration of the stay
Return airport transfers

Net price - £1180
Residential en suite Daniel Defoe
Net price - £1675

Summer School in Scotland

The Summer School has been put together as a portfolio of summer courses but can also be  customised specifically to suit individual visiting groups. We can adapt the time, length and content of any course to meet the needs of your group which can  include accommodation, field trips, site visits and academic lectures as well as an organised social programme.

Business Communication and Social Media session 1

Social media are becoming ever more popular, and recent studies demonstrate their importance as platforms capable of contributing to the increased corporate transparency of international companies, which is now accepted to be one of the key factors for future economic stability.

Tuition Fee

£575 per week


Film Studies & the International Film Festival

Film Studies and the International Film Festival introduces students to central concepts of film study including film criticism, genre, national cinemas, director-centred approaches, identity, socio-politics and related philosophical issues and includes an engagement with the International Film Festival.

Tuition Fee

£575 per week

Filmosophy: Film and Philosophy

This course examines key philosophical issues through their treatment in contemporary cinema, as well as issues regarding the nature of film itself. Using a diverse range of films, we will learn what film can contribute to philosophy, and how philosophy can contribute to our enjoyment and understanding of film.

Tuition Fee

£575 per week

Research Methods and Research Methodologies

This course is designed for graduate students and early career faculty from institutions in Africa and beyond, who are willing to develop and deepen their theoretical knowledge and research methodological skills in humanities and social science related subjects. 

Tuition Fee

£575 per week

Please contact us for more information:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to make your distance relationship work?


Though distance relationships are tough, I have a few tips that could help you to make them a little easier:

1. First and foremost, remove all acts of mistrust and jealousy. Its irritates your partner and makes him/her to start thinking of an option. Don't ask stupid questions like where were you by 10pm last night when I called? Or your neighbour said you didn't sleep in your home yesterday, where were you all night. Just trust him afterall, you really don't have an option.

2. Ask the important questions from the onset. define your relationship. Are you guys just dating? Just seeing each other? Or is a family the ultimate goal? These questions seem reall awkward but believe me, that's the best thing that you can do to save heartaches.

3. Consider texts, phone calls, emails, etc daily. It is VERY IMPORTANT  to be in touch constantly and to be in each others lives as much as possible.

4. For get the distance and do things together such as watching the same movie simultaneously while on a video call or phone call, watch the sun setting together ( if possible), visit forums, blogs and social media sites simultaneously, comment on various posts simultaenously.

.....................................................To be continued..................................

Friday, May 15, 2015

How to make, manage and multiply money.


Take a good look at this diagram. I love to refer to it as The quadrant of life.

Please note that:
E represents the employed salary earners
S represents the small business owners or the self employed
B represents the Big business owners
I represents the Investors

It has been estimated that 90% of the world's population fall under quadrant "E"and "S" and control 10% of the world's wealth and cash;
while 10% of the world's population live in quadrant "B"and "I" and control 90% of the world's wealth and cash.
This is a rough estimate of the actual cash flow of the world to day. Infact, some economists argue that this diagram is being fair to the poor as they claim the ratio is now 95 : 5.

How to know where you fall in the quadrant of life.
Those who fall into the E quadrant must have a job that pays salaries not a voluntary position.
Those who fall into the S quadrant must have a trade or business that actually pays something no matter how little.
Now this is a tricky part where you get to hear that your idol isn't a big business man. But he makes millions you may think but for now, a big business must meet the following standards:
- Must run 24hrs a day, meaning it must be patronized 24hrs a day it doesnt matter if the patrons are in different continents, it doesn't matter if its just one dollar that is being made. It must run 24hrs a day.
- It must have at least 500 staffs at all times. It can have 10,000 staffs but we don't want to hear that the staffs are on contract and at certain times in the year, they all are off duty as the contract stipulates. We don't want to hear there are 499 staffs plus me the owner making it 500.
- It must be able to run without the presence of the CEO or Founder. We don't want to hear there is nobody that can do it like me so i must be there always so that the business won't run down.

This quadrant is very simple, you must have at least 100million dollars in investment. We don't want to hear that the capital plus the dividend is equal to 100million. No, you must have 100million in investment. It can be in real estate, stocks, joint ownership, treasury bills etc. Money sitting in your account doesn't count.

I wish to drop my pen here now. I hope you all ponder on this: The difference between the rich and the poor is INFORMATION!
Next time on #managingfinances, we will be looking at how to navigate through these quadrants. Do have a great day.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to really travel or spend that vacation

How to plan that special trip.

Many times, people go out of their way to plan for a special family vacation or honeymoon with the spouse only to spend that time in a very beautiful hotel room or be content strolling the streets of that city or the city mall.

Its time to change that perspective!!!

1. Look deep within yourself and ask yourself, what do I really want? Would you rather be on a cruise ship, a luxury yacht

or a ski resort?

Love to swim with the dolphins?

Watch elephants play their own premier league

or watch then paint things that will blow away your mind? The answer isn't always in the most popular countries especially when they have rejected your visa application before. Go to places that will fulfill the desire you have had in you since you were a child. They are not always as expensive as you think.
more tips coming up...............

Ask the experts for advice today!!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Resveratrol: The perfect poison for cancer, stroke and diabetes

We all agree that cancer has done more havoc in the lives of people than good, it first drains the pockets of its victim then drains the life but finally, there is hope!!!
 However, I was privileged to hear a live testimony last month in Ghana of a man who had stage 4 cancer and was given 1-2weeks to live get well again without a trace of cancer in him. Thanks to a recent ground breaking technology involving the use of resveratrol.

Image result for cancer
Heart disease. Resveratrol helps reduce inflammation, prevents the oxidation of LDL "bad" cholesterol, and makes it more difficult for platelets to stick together and form the clots that can lead to a heart attack.

Image result for cancer
Cancer. Resveratrol is proven to limit the spread of cancer cells and trigger the process of cancer cell death (apoptosis).
Alzheimer's disease. Resveratrol may protect nerve cells from damage and the buildup of plaque that can lead to Alzheimer's.
Diabetes . Resveratrol helps prevent insulin resistance, a condition in which the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of the blood sugar-lowering hormone, insulin. Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes.

Resveratrol has also been linked to prevention of age-related problems such as heart disease and insulin resistance. Researchers believe that resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene, a biological mechanism that seems to protect the body against the harmful effects of obesity and the diseases of aging.

Image result for what are you waiting for?
 Get yourself resveratrol today!!! Ler me know if you have trouble finding it, I happen to have a large supply of it. :-)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Avoid stories thst touch the heart when planning your trip

As summer approaches with style, its very advisable for us all to start making arrangements for any intended trip to avoid "stories that touch the heart"
Get your visa issues resolved if you will need a visa. Start locking down payments for your flight and hotel bookings to avoid stories that touch.

Jasmine (not real name) wished to travel to the USA last xmas, she had been planning to go on that trip all year long and waited till she gathered the last  penny she'll need for the trip. Alas, when she was ready, the next available interview date was 30th Jan 2015, the flight ticket now cost 380,000 and hotels now charged 18k per night for a budget room. Her sadness really touched my heart but nothing could be done again.
Guess what?
Jasmine already has her visa for her summer vacation. She's had it since February.

Avoid stories that touch the heart!!! Plan early!!!