Thursday, April 30, 2015

Time to rise and shine again

Good day to you all!!!!

I have really missed writing to you and getting responses.

Alot of time has passed. Alot of water has gone under the bridge. I'm a totally new person (of course a better version) and I missed blogging.

Lets catch up.........

I attended a business school/course, I attended french classes, I got jobs at,, and at Mc Dedicts Estates. It was all thanks to this blog and sheer hardwork. It has been fun and I thought I will never have the time to come here again but old loves die hard so here I am. Due to my training in various fields, I hope to concentrate more on blogging on things which will affect the average Nigerian in a positive way not just gossip.

God willing I hope to talk about Financial Intelligence, Beauty, Love, Maturity, Visa issues and travelling.

Since I now work with several sites and companies, I will be sharing content with them and posting links to the sites so u can share, follow or like.

Expect more from me.
