Sunday, July 5, 2015

Spend your summer in Dubai

Planning on spending these few days with your family?
Planning on traveling out the country?
Why not go to Dubai,
Why not let us treat you and pamper you and your family?

Whats on offer?
Tourist visa,
Return flight tickets,
Hotel accommodation for 9nights with breakfast,
Return Airport transfers,
Desert Safari,
Dhow boat cruise
320k - Ethihad, 335k - Emirates

If you do not like any of these, we can customize another trip just for you. Just let us know.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Realize your current financial standing

Knowledge is the only thing that can move you from where you are to where you want to be......

To get to a destination where you haven been before, you need a map,
When you get the map, you must first locate where you are then where you want to be, then plan or chose the best route.

Sadly, Many people dont even know where they are, have not plan or route, and are just running without direction.

Only a mad man increases his speed when his direction is not clear -- #fact

What will you say if someone walks up to you and asks for direction to anywhere?
You should first take some steps back, do a quick assessment to know the level of his/her madness then direct him or her to anywhere or the nearest psychiatric center.

Thats how we look like when we keep attending empowering sessions, asking God for blessings etc when we do not even know where we are financially.

This image below is called a process flow map.
It is as simple as A B C and its all you need to know where you are. Its like an Almighty formula as it cuts across everyone regardless of your income , assets or expenses.

I - Active income ( Salaries, wages, commissions. You must be involved to earn this income)
E - Expenses
C - Cash flow or Savings
N - Number (it could be a number of months, days or anything)
A - Assets
PI - Passive income ( you work for this income once and earn for life from it, you do not have to be
       there to earn)

Process flow map explained:

- Everybody starts off with their income being lesser than their expenses. Income must start from zero in everybody's life. Here , you are heavily dependent on your parents/guardians. This stage is regarded as the "No Belt"

Image result for white belt
- As we get older, we begin to seek some sort of independence from our parents or benefactors, or, we begin to seek to reduce the burden on them as money may be lacking. Whatever the case may be, we begin to hustle, we make just enough to take care of the demands that we have. Our income rises to be able to sustain us. This stage is regarded as the "White Belt"

Image result for yellow belt
-Finally, we have gathered experience, qualifications and expertise or even more hustling jobs, our total income is now able to take good care of all our expenses and a few not so expensive luxury. We even have a bank account and the residual balance after each months expenses is increasing month by month. We have now reached the stage called the "Yellow Belt"

In between this stage and the next, there is a break that separates the hustlers from the middle class. In this break, you keep saving and saving depending on how much is being saved. Many people spend as much as 20 - 40years in this break because they are not even aware of the beak, they save today and spend tomorrow and start saving again. Some increase their expenses so high that the savings are pitiful. You must keep saving till you are able to get your first "ASSET" Then congrats, you have crossed the hurdle.

 Image result for green belt
- Welcome to the green belt. You have judiciously saved for years, months, weeks or days. You were wise enough to create an asset, now you have to nurture that asset to make sure that it begins to produce "Passive Income". You have to learn how to manage that asset you have, set the wise rules that will run it, supervise and nurture, don't forget to keep working on your hustles or job, this isn't time to depend solely on it. You have to keep experimenting till you find the perfect rule for it. Your asset should start to produce no matter how low but being the initial stage, that income is most likely going to be used to maintain or upgrade it to a better position. This is the "Green Belt"

Image result for red belt

- Your asset(s) is/are growing. You can actually make deposits to your bank account after removing the maintenance fee. You have understood the hiccups and groomed it past the wobbly stage. However what you take to the bank may be regarded as peanuts when compared to your expenses. You are getting there. You are at the "Red Belt"

Image result for brown belt clubpenguin

- Yes, you did not give up, now you can actually depend wholly on your asset if you chose to. It is old enough and has the disposal to take care of all your expenses. Many people chose to retire from hustling or working at this stage. Please note that this stage only offers financial security and financial independence. It can only sustain you, you will practically have almost no saving because there is nothing to spare. This is called the "Brown Belt"

Image result for black belt
-  Some people may never get here if all they crave is the brown belt, however, for those who are patient and seek higher, they keep pushing forward, and applying financial intelligence. With time, their assets yield more meaning, it can cover all their expenses and still give room for saving. Meaning that this asset is old enough to give birth to another asset as you can now save. Savings is very important. The reward is higher now because in addition to your monthly pay check, you get annual or bi-annual vacations to unwind if you so desire. At this stage you are Financially free and can give help to those who need it. You are exposed, own your time, own your life. 99% of the rich find themselves here. This is the "Black belt"


- Many people do not see this level as realistic which is why I stated that 99% of the rich are in the black belt. Only 2% of the rich see this level as an actual level but only 1% actually makes it there. Note the formula used to represent this: PI > nE
That is, Passive income is greater than what ever number your expenses tend to grow to. This "n"does not represent infinity however, the owners of this wealth cannot finish it alone through out their lifetime as long as they do not launder the money or withdraw it just to flush it down the drain. These type of people are rich enough to help the entire planet, to write off the debts of nations or sponsor the education of millions. To get here is not easy but one tip is:
You must offer a service which every human who means well for his/herself must need.
You must be able to earn money 24/7 every month of the year.
This is the stage of the "Financial Guru"

Thanks for reading.