Friday, January 31, 2014

Moved to tears

I was presenting in Port Harcourt about a
beautiful opportunity and platform called
A2W. It is an opportunity with significant
prospects, but not for the lily livered. As I
was presenting, I was told that a group of
people wanted to present me with a gift,
that I should please give them the
opportunity to present it to me. I had
noticed them the previous day, and my
heart went out to them. They all sat
together in one place, and were
coordinated by a middle aged lady. They
were the most quiet people in the
meeting, not uttering as much as a word,
but their eyes were glued to another
direction separate from me the speaker. If
you haven't guessed by now, they were
what people erroneously call "deaf and
dumb". I think they are deaf, but far from
I obliged them by recognizing them by
sharing the story of why I decided to take
Network Marketing and A2W as a
consequence seriously. It happened for
me in Malaysia in a Network Marketing
Company's 6,000 participants conference.
Three testimonies back to back, knocked
me out and turned me into jelly. First it
was a lady who had built her business for
6 years, become a leader and her greatest
handicap was that she was shy. In 6yrs
she was standing in front of 6,000 people
boldly sharing her story, the business had
cured her of shyness. Then a man came
to speak, one of the highest earners from
Sudan, and his greatest handicap he had
overcome was that, he couldn't speak
English back then, but right now he has
become fluent. I listened to these guys,
and said to myself, "I don't have any of
these challenges". Then the third guy
came, and he was the one that got me
crying, sorry, I meant weeping. I could
not control myself. This guy was deaf, he
was broke when he started, took a loan
from his wife to start, and without being
able to speak, he had built a successful
team of team members, and had flown
from India to Malaysia, paid for the
conference, but unlike me, he flew down
with 20 of his team members to the
conference, he pointed at them - they
were also "deaf and dumb"! That day I
cried because I realized that I had no
excuse in life, yet I was not making the
most of my life. I cried because I
wondered what my options would be if I
could not speak! I cried because I was
touched by courage and moved by people
rising beyond their limitations. I cried
because that was my spot, moving against
all odds, and inspiring others to do the
As the leader of this group - A deaf guy,
came up to present their gift, he came
with an interpreter, and we engaged in a
little discussion. Apparently, their
interpreter had informed them of my
little history with sign language, and my
desire to know more. So they got me a
book, that will make signing easier for
me. That way, I'll be able to communicate
better with them. Their story was also
shared by their upline, how their leader
was not marketed into A2W. He saw a
flier, which he insisted he wanted to see,
but the upline hid from him, and refused
to show him, saying it's not something it
can do. He got access to the website
written on the flier, went to a cybercafé to
find out what it was about, and got back
to the upline that she was a wicked
person, for trying to hide an opportunity
from him. To cut a long story short, he
insisted that he had seen what it was all
about, the services, the products for
distribution and so much more, but that
what he wants to do is the network
marketing part of getting others signed
up and involved. In a few weeks, he has
become a bronze distributor and is well
on his way to becoming Silver.
I saw the teary eyes, and I understood
with them. Those who rise above their
limitations challenge the world around
them to rise up above theirs. What's your
excuse for not making progress? What's
your excuse for not being involved in
Network Marketing? Your previous
experience? Your inability to speak? Your
poor self esteem? Or is it your "I am
better than this", over inflated self
esteem? Rise above it, we all have
limitations we rose above, some in our
flesh, others in our beliefs.
Who have you helped to succeed? Can
you point at 4 people whose lives are
radically different and eternally
transformed because of you? Even if not
for yourself, do it for others. Giving
people stipends won't help them, it will
only make them dependent on you. Get
blessed and be a blessing to others.
Don't let the write up move you to tears,
let it move you to action.
Culled form

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A cure for Aids at last!!!!!!!!

A team of Nigerian scientists have found what could be termed a novel
treatment for Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) infection that may
reduce greatly the cost of treatment.
The team of scientists includes graduate
students and researchers from the Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike,
Abia state, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and
the Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, Nigeria.
The group were able to show that synthetic
Aluminum-magnesium silicate (AMS) has
antiretroviral effects that could lay a perfect
track for affordable and effective therapy for HIV.
Reports say:
Results of their work titled "Assessment of
Antiretroviral Effects of a Synthetic Aluminum-magnesium Silicate" published in
the British Journal of Medicine & Medical
Research and featured on SCIENCEDOMAIN
international shows a significant reduction
in the titres of the virus when HIV positive plasma was incubated with AMS.
Head, Department of Veterinary Medicine at
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
and the lead scientist, Professor Maduike
Ezeibe, said the discovery could provide an ultimate cure for the
virus that has defiled so many scientific efforts to curtail it in the
Ezeibe reacted aluminium silicate with magnesium silicate to obtain
the synthetic
aluminum-magnesium silicate devoid of
Giving further details Ezeibe noted:
"Molecules of aluminum-magnesium silicate have platelets that possess
both negative and positive electrical charges on their surfaces and
their edges. HIV on the other hand is
negatively charged. So the simple scientific
understanding that opposite charges attracts
ensures that the HIV virus binds to the AMS
and is discharged from the body alongside."
"AMS is normally used as a stabilizing
medicine that does not really have toxic
effect on the patient, so it makes it a suitable
agent for mopping up HIV virus from the
body," he said.
The author noted also that "Adsorbing out
HIV means that millions of new virions
usually released from each infected cell
would be inhibited from establishing new
infections in more cells," adding, "
Thus, HIV would be prevented from
overwhelming the body immune systems
and the Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) stage may be prevented, in
which case cure could be achieved, Ezeibe

Monday, January 27, 2014

Titanic REINCARNATED!!!!!!!

The Titanic II

Have you ever dreamed of being Leonardo DiCaprio or Kate Winslet
standing on the bow of the Titanic looking out at the ocean? The dream
could soon become a reality as there are
plans for an ocean liner called the Titanic II to be built and ready
to set sail for passengers to travel on in 2016.

Australian born billionaire Clive Palmer has announced at a unveiling
in New York that his flagship cruise company Blue Star Line will begin
working on the ship in March 2014 to be completed by 2016, 104 years
after the original
voyage, and the ship will set sail from
Southampton to New York within the same

Whereas the original was built by the famous Harland and Wolff
shipyard in Belfast, in a sign of how times have changed the Titanic
II will be constructed by state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling
The ship is being designed to be as similar, both
internally and externally as the original Titanic
ship, but obviously modern safety regulations and economic
considerations will now have to
be taken into consideration. The design teams are using the original
Titanic drawings to help
re-create an authentic look and feel to the ship.

Plans show a layout broadly similar to the
original, but with the third-class cabins
modernized, and consideration being given to en-suite cabins
throughout the ship. Also the room freed up by eliminating the steam
boilers of the original ship will be used for crew
quarters and various services. There will also be a safety deck (with
more lifeboats
obviously), a new high-tech engine, air-conditioning and service lifts.
There will be an on-board gymnasium which will be completed in Edwardian system
machines, a smoking room, Café Parisien along with reading and writing
rooms. There are also plans for a swimming pool and Moorish-
influenced Turkish baths again in the same design as the original
ship, and the world famous grand staircase along with glass
chandeliers will also be on-board for guests to admire.

Passengers can also enjoy the 'true 1912
experience' and leave the modern day
technology behind as there will be no
televisions or state-of-the-art music systems on board, nor internet
connections or mobile
phones. Each cabins wardrobe will be filled
with period costumes so that the guests can
also join in at themed nights on-board.
As with the original ship, there will be First,
Second and Third Class cabins and passengers
will not be allowed to mingle – apart from on
the safety deck, where there will be a casino
and theatre.
Passengers will be able to buy a six-day ticket
for one class, or a mixed ticket covering two days in each section.
Prices have not been set yet although Palmer says he has already had
offers from 16 people of between £500,000 and £850,000 (GBP) for
berths but has stated that this is nowhere near the prices that would
be charged.
Palmer also has said that he is very pleased to have had over 40,000
people express an interest on the internet alone which shows that
there is
a market out there for people wanting to re-live this magical
experience and spend time on-board a ship of this grandeur and class.

The ship will carry 2,435 passengers and so will be asking for 900
plus crew members to service the guests 24/7 so keep checking the
website for any potential jobs that may allow you to work on this
fantastic vessel.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

World's first flying car

Mankind's primordial
dream of flight is taking off with a new twist as a
Slovak prototype of a flying car spreads its wings.
Slovak designer and engineer Stefan Klein has been honing his flying machine since the early 1990s.
"I got the idea to start working on a vehicle of the
future at university.
Klein told AFP.
"Flying's in my blood — my grandfather and my
father flew ultra-light aircrafts and I got my
pilot's license before I was old enough to drive a
car," said Klein, who has designed cars for BMW,
Volkswagen and Audi and now teaches at the
Bratislava-based Academy of Fine Arts and Design.
His elegant blue-and-white vehicle for two is six
metres (20 feet) long so it fits neatly in a parking
space or a garage and tanks up at any filling
station. But once it reaches an airport it can unfold its wings within seconds becoming a plane.
Dubbed "the world's prettiest and best-designed
airborne automobile so far" by US aviation magazine Flying and design, (an
innovation website), the Aeromobil also has the
distinction of originating in Slovakia, the world's
largest per-capita car producer.
"So far there have been about twenty attempts to
manufacture a flying car around the globe," the
president of the Slovak Ultra Light Aviation
Federation, Milan Ciba, told AFP.
"Among them, Aeromobil appears very viable," he
said. 'Make their lives easier'.
Other models include the US-based Terrafugia's
"Transition" flying car expected to be launched
on the market within a year, while the helicopter-
type Dutch PAL-V gyrocopter could go on sale in this year.
Klein's dream took to the skies in September when he piloted the Aeromobil during its first wobbly test flight.
Once airborne, the it can reach a top speed of 200km/h (124 mph) and travel as far as 700 km
(430 miles), consuming 15 litres (4 gallons) of petrol per hour.
"Although a combination of a car and a plane will always lose against competition when we start
comparing energy consumption"
Jan Lesinsky
from the Slovak University of Technology told AFP.
But would-be users could glide by long lines and
security checks at airports, saving time on medium-distance journeys.
Klein and his team are currently working on the
next generation of Aeromobil that will go into
production in a few months and hopefully receive Slovak Ultra Light Aircraft Certification (SFUL).
"Would-be users would have to follow the legislation already in place for ultra light aircraft"
SFUL president Federation Milan Ciba told AFP.
"Pilot/drivers will need to have both a driver's
and pilot's licence with at least 25 flying hours" he added.
An enthusiastic pilot himself, Klein remains down
to earth when looking to the future.
"I don't expect Aeromobil to go into mass
production, it will always be an alternative means
of transport," Klein said.
"It can, however, be very interesting for countries with vast areas lacking infrastructure like Russia, China or Australia," he added.
"It would make their lives so much easier — they
would be able to park their car/aircraft at home,
drive to the airport, take off, land and drive to their destination without switching vehicles," he

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Free education in Norway

Tuition free education in Norway.

Norway is another country that believes education should be for all
and actually has a high standard of education.
Norway is a nordic/scandinavian country with cold winters, beautiful
and picturesque fjords, berry fields, mountains and a fun loving but a
bit shy people. Norway's population is approximately 4.6million people
so fewer people to combat winters.
Almost all regions of the country are good spots for seeing the
northern light especially alta where temperatures are still below 0
degree celcius. And a vast blanket of white is everywhere.
Temperatures are usually low with an average of -10/-15 degree
Celsius. No matter how low temperatures get, it is not an avenue to
get a holiday. You just have to dress warmer. The official language is
Norwegian although some scandinavian/sami language is spoken by a
little percentage. Due to yhe high level of literacy, most people
understand and can speak english though its rude to norwegians to
approach some one on the road with english, try a greeting in
norwegian first. This blog offers a lot of insight to norway:-
Also, the cost of living is high as Norway imports a lot of things like food.
Still, depending on your way of life and your spending habits, you may
either need a job to support you (which can be very hard to get as a
non fluent norwegian speaker) or your spending will be so minimal, you
wonder why people complain.
Norwegians are fun loving albeit somewhat shy so its worth learning
the language.
Here is a list of tuition free institutions in Norway:-
1. Ålesund University College
University college
2. Akershus University College
University college
3. Bergen National Academy of the Arts
University college
4. Bergen University College
University college
5. Buskerud University College
Drammen , Kongsberg, Hønefoss
University college
6. Diakonhjemmet University College
University college
7. Finnmark University College
University college
8. Gjøvik University College
University college
7. Harstad University College
University college
8. Hedmark University College
Elverum , Hamar, Åmot, Stor-Elvdal
University college
9. Lillehammer University College
University college
10. MF Norwegian School of Theology
Specialized university
11. Molde University College - Specialized
University in Logistics
12. Molde , Kristiansund
Specialized University
13. Narvik University College
University college
14. Nesna University College
University college
15. Nord-Trøndelag University College
Steinkjer , Levanger, Namsos
University college
16. Norwegian Academy of Music
Specialized university
17. Norwegian Air Force Academy
Public (military)
University college
18. Norwegian Defence School of Engineering
Public (military)
University college
19. Norwegian Military Academy
University college
20. Norwegian Naval Academy
University college
21. Norwegian Police University College
Oslo , Bodø
University college
22. Norwegian School of Economics
Specialized university
23. BI Norwegian Business School
Specialized university
24. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
Specialized university
25. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
Specialized university
26. Norwegian Teacher Academy
University college
27. Norwegian University of Life Sciences
28. Norwegian University of Science and Technology
29. Oslo National Academy of the Arts
University college
30. Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Specialized university
31. Oslo University College
University college
32. Sámi University College
University college
33. Sogn og Fjordane University College
University college
34. Stord/Haugesund University College
Stord , Haugesund
University college
35. Sør-Trøndelag University College
University college
36. Telemark University College
Bø , Porsgrunn, Notodden
University college
37. University of Agder
Kristiansand , Arendal, Grimstad
38. University of Bergen
39. University of Nordland
40. University of Oslo
41. University of Stavanger
42. University of Tromsø
43. Vestfold University College
Horten , Tønsberg
University college
44. Volda University College
University college
45. Østfold University College
University college

N.B - Norwegian education is higher than in some countries so be sure
to check the requirement for your particular country.
Up next education in germany